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Diamante Quicklight Coals


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Diamante Quick Lights

Description: Similar to 3 Kings 40mm.  Same little indent and size.

Ease of Lighting:
Just a few seconds in one spot and then placing it on its side so it's standing up will have the whole thing lit in just a few seconds.  Not 
patchy lighting either, the whole thing glowing red.

Smell: Surprisingly very little!  Even indoors there is relatively little smell.  Outside, virtually none.

Taste: Again, pleasantly surprised.  Little to no taste added in.

Ash: Didn't ash as much as I expected.  Good thing too.  Every 5-8 min it needed ashing, not bad for a QL

Overall: Best experience I had with a quicklite.  Relatively low ash, extremely 
fast lighting, and little taste added.  9/10! Edited by MechAnt
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Diamante Silver Coals

Ok, so I'm an avid Easy Lite user but I've had to use these for a while now.

Ease of lighting: Harder than Easy Lites. Didn't really like how long it took. The silver whatever it is cant be blown off until the coal underneath it has a layer of ash that can be knocked off. Smelled kinda funky too.

Taste: None added, thankfully

Ash: Ashes A LOT. Much more than Easy Lites or Canary's. Very messy because the ash is so fine.

Longevity: A little less than Easy Lites.

Overall: 7/10. Not bad if you're in a pinch but I'm sticking to my Easy Lites.
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