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Hookology Quicklight Coals


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Hookology Quicklites:

I know alot of people havn't heard of these, but they are made here in Jacksonville, FL, and a local hookah bar uses them. Awhile back, a hookah bar stopped selling bowls because they said they didn't have coals, but in reality two friends of mine that know people who work there said that they had coals, but they wern't using them because of complaints that people were throwing up and getting naucious. I thought that was complete rubbish... until now.

I was smoking like I usually do, and smoking flavors I have before, but with different coals. These hookology coals, first of all, are fucking disgusting for the first 5 minutes off the smoke. All you taste is coal. I seariously mean the only thing you will taste is nasty as fuck from the coals. Even if they are completly ashed before you put them on. After a few hits, the taste is almost completly gone, but me and my girlfriend were getting extremly sick afterwords. She almost threw up outside, and my stomach starting feeling really weird, and when I finally got to work I almost chunked it up inside my truck. I've never thrown up from smoking... ever. Thats the closest I've ever came.

Just having you guys on a lookout for these coals. Don't buy Hookology coals!
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