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Akhla Vs. Swift-Lite Quicklight Coals

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Akhla Charcoal

Duration: 35-40 min w/ a windcover 8/10

Ease of Lighting: As soon as its lit, will spark like mad takes ten seconds max, no need to blow on it to make it cook. 10/10

Smell : Absolutely shitty. While lighting i made the mistake of sitting in my garage and instantly a layer of god awful smelling smoke covered the area. WATCH OUT! 3/10

Ash : ashes like its shaped in the circular disk, very compact. Can pick up the entire coal once its done and throw in the bin. 9/10

Shape: Standard quicklight with a more composite feel. flat on both sides in a circular shape. easy to hold on to. 10/10

Heat: For a quick light it has a very high heat potential, but only stays cooking for 10-15 minutes w/o wind cover 7/10

Taste: Had no taste. 10/10

Overall: 7/10. Leaps and bounds beyond roland QL. comprable to 3k and swiftlights. Not a bad coal. Come in packs of 6 for about 2$ a piece 35 and 40 mm.

Swiftlite Charcoal

Duration: 35 minutes w/o windcover

Ease of Lighting: took about a minute to lite with a cheap bic. Did not pop or explode in the box i had at all. WARNING: These coals do not look like they are lighting... Can be lit w/o knowing...not approved for drunk smokers! 8/10

Smell :Doesnt smell very strong at all. Can be lit inside. 9/10

Ash : messy ash. Breaks appart very easily. 6/10

Shape: Like a standard QL 8/10

Heat: standard 8/10

Taste: Does not add any taste to the tobacco as long as it is fully lit. 10/10

Overall: 8/10. Convienience was absolutely lovely.

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