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pharoh's shisha

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so the only person that i know that uses pharoh's is yashman so this question is for everybody especially yashman. So i got my hookah recently and am looking into good shisha. what do you guys think of pharoh's. The only place that i could find that has it is customhookahs.com and every single flavor they have sounds really good. And it doesn't say if its 50g or 250g. but anyways is it good shisha?? and any other suggestions for a good melon would be great.
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I REALLY loved their triple. If you like Nakhla Double Apple, you'll absolutely love Pharaohs Triple Apple. I tried the Banana Split and Extreme Strawberry but they werent too flavorful. The Banana Split tastes like a baked banana, but more on the burnt side. The Extreme Strawberry just didnt have enough flavor, but I will try it again tonight to confirm.
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I have some French Vanilla that I got from, well, yashman. It's really good. The nicotine level is about the same as nahkla and the like, but the smoke is a lot better. The tobacco is pretty coarsely cut, but its not too soggy so it's easy to pack a good bowl with it. From what I hear they have pretty strong flavors as a whole. I also tried some honeydew, but I don't know if it was a bad batch or what, but it was pretty unbearably strong.
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Well like most of the people mentioned above, Pharoahs is a damn good
tobacco. Some flavors are hit or miss, but what brand doesn't have
their odd balls? My favorites are the french vanilla (good mixer/stand
alone flavor) and the zesty orange. One of my favorite oranges ever...

Only thing about this brand though, make sure your body can take the
nicotine. This stuff is jam packed :) I know the content is the same as
naklah or waha, but IMO even kicks those two in the face ;) So not the
best choice for smokers who don't like a thick buzz.

I'll add some of my thoughts later tonight on some of the flavors I've tried.
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Well, I was in chapel hill looking over the location. Accross the courtyard is a shop that is now carrying Pharohs, So i picked up a canister of peach...
I'll let you guys and gals know what I think nxt week some time.
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