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Nakhla Mint Review

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My cousin just sent me some of this stuff a couple days ago, and after a heavy meal I thought a nice dose of mint would hit the spot.The tobacco smelled good, and the plastic it was in was very stick, but the tobacco itself seemd slightly dry. The cut is regular Nakhla, although I didn't notice any twigs. I lightly packed the bowl, because it's just me who is tryin the stuff, about 2/3 full. Right, I'm also using a 25" stargate with stock bowl (ceramic i think) and one 3K coal.I lit the coal on the stove and let it heat up quite a bit before taking it off - a great step because the smoke started instalty. It's a good, decently thick smoke, not too harsh or anything (perfect heat management for once! haha). The taste is pretty good, although I'm not a big fan of the after taste (i remember the stuff being much better) and I'll probably end up trying AA or AF once this batch is done. The taste of mint left in my mouth afterwards is excellent though. But when you blow it through your nose it has this nasty taste. And I did get quite a bit of a buzz instantly.Overall, I would give it a 7 or 7.5, because I really don't like the after taste and it's a really strong buzz. I think it would make a good mix though, especially with a good chocolate (would make for a great after 8 type flavour) . Buy it for a mixer or an occasional smoke.
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