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best melon

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Ok, so i know somebody is gonna say "the search engine is your friend" or something like that but it isn't working right now. So, what's some brands of shisha that have a really good melon. I tried Romman Sweet Melon and I love it but it's a little pricey.
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[quote name='Hookahnoob']Man it's been a long time since I have had a sweaty mexican... And I am in San Diego so I can get them fresh[/quote] Warning: I apologize in advance if I offend anyone. I am rather new to this forum, and I do not know how well racial humor goes over. I am not a racist, nor do I support discrimination of any kind. I just like to laugh.You know; I've been wondering how sweaty mexican's are if you get em fresh!I'm up in the SF Bay Area; and we have sweaty mexicans as well; usually with a lawn mower or a vaccuum, but they just don't taste as good as the hype makes out!Although; the best sweaty mexican I've ever had was from a small town called Willows about 20 minutes from Chico. His car was low, loud, and beat up, but man! Lemme tell you, that was some amazing sweaty mexican.This, and most of my posts, brought to you by boredom.Boredom, have you had yours today?
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[quote name='Bleeding_Heart1']af melon was the best ive had, but it got old fast. It started to taste like sweaty mexicans. I smoked a nice honey dew melon, i think it was Al amir.[/quote] im mexican and i sweat but i dunno what that would taste like lol. i got AA honeydew melon comin in on wed cant wait to try it
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