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Fumari White Peach WTF?

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Ok so I know others have talked about this before but I just smoked a bowl of white peach and it tasted nasty and soapy, the weird part though is that the first bowl of it I smoked tasted wonderful, and now two days later it tastes like sh*t. The only difference was teh coals, the first with nour the second with easy lite brand japs, both of which i have plenty of experience with, so could the coal have caused such a drastic change in taste, or whats goin on?
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[quote name='skiracerj1']Ok so I know others have talked about this before but I just smoked a bowl of white peach and it tasted nasty and [b]soapy[/b][/quote] Just a guess; but did you clean the hookah before this bowl?
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haha, I hope you didnt actually taste soap from your cleaning products.If it wasnt that, then maybe it was humidity shock. Who knows, I never have issues with it, but I smoke at night. I just pack my bowl inside go outside and then light my coal and puff away once its glowing red.
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[quote name='skiracerj1']not right before, but two or three bowls ago yes, but not with soap, just warm water, and the first bowl was with a pretty dirty hookah, about 15 bowls since the last thorough wash[/quote] Its strange but I seem to have better experiences smoking with a dirty hookah than a clean one. (not really dirty, just used and not washed out aside from the bowl and the vase).But yeah, sounds like humidity shock. Thats usually my problem when something smokes great then terribly. Let it acclimate outside for a bit (just watch for ants!) then smoke it
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[quote name='cymptom']Yeah my smokes never seem to taste as good when the hookah was just washed. Weird.[/quote]Yeah; i think its sorta like using a grill. You need a little bit of previous use to add to the flavor, but if you have too much it gets nasty.
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