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tangiers technique

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So I've had some tangiers shisha (juicy peach and black thorn) for quite awhile and every time I go to smoke it I nearly die coughing. I have tried doing a few different things with the coals and used different amounts of coals, but nothing seems to help. Is this because I am a pussy, i am not managing my heat properly with it, or tangiers just really is that strong? If there is some technique that works well for any of you when smoking tangiers, I would love to hear it. Thanks for any help you might offer.
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What bowl are you using? I've had the best luck using one of Tangiers' bowls. Are you letting it acclimate? I'm currently sitting outside smoking a bowl of Tangiers Guava using one three kings coal and a tangiers bowl. I find packing it down instead of sprinkling it in like other brands works better as well.
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im using a smaller ceramic bowl. 1 golden coal broken in half. start tht coal on the sides and then move in. i always try to pack pretty light though. and if you have one of the tangiers bowls which i read are pretty big, and are still only using one coal, then maybe i should use a bigger bowl or only 3/4 coal or something. and yes, i let it acclimate for about 5 hours before i smoked it for the first time, and then 2 or 3 days before i smoked it again.
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Personally, using my Mya QT and standard Mya bowl, I get generous amounts of smoke and flavor. Using 1 33mm 3K coal, I break it in half before lighting and when it's red all over, I set them on opposite sides of the bowl.Always nets me that nice smoke..Could be more, as some say they get amazing amounts from Tangiers, but I get a decent enough amount to get some thick smoke without lighting up another coal.One more thing, there will almost always be a little bite at the back of the throat, so if that's making you cough, you'll get used to it..What I've noticed in my personal experience is that Tangiers is more of a sipping tobacco than, let's say, AF.Good luck getting it working
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I am playing around with the idea of holes. More larger holes in the foil...I use a fork to poke holes. A couple of times, people have reported success with more, bigger holes. If you aren't used to nicotine, if will be definitely be a wakeup call. There is no way to make a nicotinated tobacco absolutely smooth with cheating some, especially if the tobacco isn;t acclimated.
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[quote name='Tangiers']I am playing around with the idea of holes. More larger holes in the foil...I use a fork to poke holes. A couple of times, people have reported success with more, bigger holes.  If you aren't used to nicotine, if will be definitely be a wakeup call. There is no way to make a nicotinated tobacco absolutely smooth with cheating some, especially if the tobacco isn;t acclimated.[/quote] This is something else I changed. I went from smaller holes, to larger holes. I was using the tip of a toothpick, and started driving it in farther to make larger holes. It's hard to gauge how much of a difference it made for me, as I changed a few things all at once, but at the very least it cut down on the amount my hookah vibrates while inhaling.
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I have a tangiers bowl and let my tangiers tobacco acclimate for a long time (3 to 4 hours) and It's nice to smoke but I dont get a ton of flavor like other tobacco I have had. Sometimes I cant tell just by smelling what flavor I am going to have. It is a nice tobacco in all other aspects. I really like it. I just want to figure out how to bring out the flavor.
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i have some juicy peach, i just realized the other day it was tangiers. i had a hunch that it was for awhile and was doing some research and figured out that it indeed was tangiers. i had one bowl of it about a month or so ago and it was pretty good. it got a little harsh on me, but i think i'm gonna give it another go soon and try it out.
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