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Buying a MYA QT

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Ok I have tried to use search to find a thread about MYA QTs and it is giving me no results. SO, I was wondering where to find some for sale. I googled it and I get mostly Ebay hits and a good number from genuinehookah (who I have heard negative things about here). I want to buy 4 QTs and start a hookah catering service in my town. Anyone know a good American retail site for QTs?? Thanks.
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Thank you MrGuy. I will check them out. I also saw a post about Elitehookah.com selling them. This forum ROCKS!! (I am so pleased because it took literally 3 minutes to get a response, thanks again).
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[url="http://www.elitehookah.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=21&products_id=100&osCsid=3ac1c111eabba353ecc655f43da46e7e"]Elite Hookah and Hookah-Shisha[/url] are the two retailers of QTs that I know of. You can also get them from the Mya Saray online store, but they don't seem to be in stock currently. You could try calling, though.TYLER
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i always thought MYA were based in the US. im quite certain they are.Yeah, i think you can by the QT and different classes (the S class looks sexy, someone on here has one) from MYAsaray if you call them I think.elite hookah do a QT special package which is everything you need to get started, but hookah-shisha, you get loads of freebies, probably more than you get with the QT special.Give us a review from wherever you order from when you do, and the QT itself!
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I will investigate ordering through MYA directly. I don't care much about a good package, I have a lot of shisha already. I do, however, care about picking my color. Right now Elitehookah only has peach and I want a blue one. I will definetly write a review when I do buy one (in the next month or so). Thanks again!
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