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stupid noobish ? from a smoker of 4 years but...

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hey guys i got a dumb noon question but does it make a differnece if you mix brands when you do your shisha mixing or do you stick to the same brand of whatever said flavor you feel like mixing? i just got al fakher apple from a local smoke shop and have sum al amir samplers comin on thursday so i was just wondering...my first al fakher purchase havent opened it up yet but damn the smell is so rich and the juices are seepin out of the wrap yummy cant wait!
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Actually, I'd say it is encouraged. Flavors differ from company to company. For instance, peach is a flavor that is often reviewed, because it is vastly different from company to company.Find what you like.
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any comments on heat management with mixed brands. heat management varies greatly between brands. tangiers in particular, renowned for noob unfriendly in terms of heat management.
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Yeah, things can sometimes get a little ugly if you try to mix Tangiers with other brands. Usually you'll end up burning the Tangiers trying to get the other brands cooking well. I have done it successfully though, particularly with Tangiers mint. It's probably a good idea to layer the Tangiers on the bottom.
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any mixing tips? when i used 2 mix nakhla strawberry/banana i put a layer of one then a layer of another till the bowl was full...is this a good method what has worked for you guys?
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When I mix, I part the bowl.. so the left side of the bowl will be one flavor and the other side a different flavor - This way you are getting the flavors of both worlds... When I'm not too lazy, I will literally mix the 2 flavors in the bowl... stirring the shisha with my fingers.But I find that parting the bowl in halves brings out the different flavors better. Also keep in mind which flavors are strong and which flavors are not as strong. (Strong meaning taste wise NOT buzz wise) Put more of the weaker tasting flavor than the stronger tasting to kind of even the 2 flavors out... I find this to work very well for me.
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when i mixed my nakhla strawberry/banana a night or two ago i layed down one layer of one flavor then a layer of the other. it tasted like a perfect mix of the two, with each contributing to about half of the flavor. next time i think that i will try putting flavors on opposite sides... it seems like you could control which flavor was stronger by moving the coal to the side of which ever flavor was more desired.
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i dont believe so, i dont remember the first brand of cola i bought. i bought that a long time ago and had smoked it. and i just recently finished up the layalina. Cola is one of my favorite flavors so i'm always interested to try a new one. i'll look into the fumari
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thanks for the replies guys i just got my al amir samplers from socialsmoke.com they smell so good! anyways ima try a few mixin techniques once i smoke these individually
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