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Natural Coals...

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I want to get natural coals for my next batch of shisha, and was leaning towards Ramman coals (only because I love Romman shisha and I can get them bundled with the Al Waha I am getting for cheap).I was just wondering about others experience with natural coals of any brand (and I did search, but the search function is all screwed up) I read the whole thread on scalliwag's coals and became intrigued by them, but will probably not be able to get my hands on them just yet.
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i just got a bag of the romman lemon wood coals. i like them, they dont add any chemical flavor to your bowls. they take a bit longer to light and you'll have to manually break up chunks of coal to sizes that you're happy with for your bowl. but other than that they burn very nice, and they keep a nice heat on the bowl and they last a bit longer than the quick lites
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Yeah, I think that whatever they use to stick the stuff back together probably poses a significant health risks...thats why I think reformed "natural coals" are worse than natural coals...same coal, just reformed and stuck together with a binder thats wants oxygen to burn, making the carbon burn more to carbon monoxide than carbon dioxide.
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