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Acclimating shisha

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Sorry if this has been posted in the past(search still down )Anyway I have seen the term acclimating shisha in a lot of posts. I am still just starting out and was wondering what it exactly means and does it have to be done on all shisha?Thanks in advance
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just letting it sit out and get use to the climate your going to smoke in pretty much. you dont have to do, i dont do it most of the time, but i think you get a better smoke if you do
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Pretty much just throw it into its container and let it sit for a while. It lets it get used to the humidity etc. Then, just smoke the dryer upper layer. I actually just set up my bowl the night before, then when I get home after school or work its already accimlated and set up and ready for a coal.
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I just leave the lid ajar. A more complicated point. Check the weather channel or whatever electronic media you have access to. Watch the dewpoint. I believe the moisture content of the tobacco follows the dewpoint. If the dewpoint goes up or down a little, no problem, if it goes up or down alot, then that poses a problem. IF your weather is going up and down in humidity for a couple of days AND you smoke at the same time each night or whatever, then leave them sealed, because you open it at the same time, when the humidity is presumably the same, it will be better acclimated than being exposed to constantly changing humidity. Also, if you run air conditioning during the day, but not at night (or vice versa, leave them sealed up.
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[quote name='ghostofdavid']Should we put our tobaccos in humidors?[/quote] I was thinking this too, but you'd have to control it to match the humidity of when you want to smoke it. I use weather.com (the weather channel) type in zip code and click on hour-to-hour, it tells you what the humidity will be by the hour 24hrs ahead.
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Yeah, dewpoint is a much better indicator, in my opinion. Days when the relative humidity goes up at night and down during the days, while the dewpoint remains constant, still seem perfectly acclimated.
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Geeze, so much science going into smoking the hookah... I just might fail... heh, anyways I usually just acclimate a fresh new package overnight - then after that I just pack the bowls when I smoke. I don't really acclimate every bowl. Mainly because I don't have set times to smoke and I don't smoke every single day. It's kind of just a random thing thrown into the day.
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Not necessarily. It is a good idea to especially open it up and let it air out when you first get it. For best results, acclimate it again before each smoking. Kinda like you said. I personally, don't acclimate anything. Some days smoke just better than others.
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Its actually the air being drawn through the bowl of tobacco, below the charcoal, is my guess. The stuff that doesn't burn very well, at the bottom, in the middle, as air passes through it, the humidity level of the air (or the difference) affects what's going to happen to the tobacco.Good question!
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