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Does Anyone Have Family In Havana?


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Hey everybody,

My girlfriend asked me if I knew anyone with family in the Havana area because her uncle is in prison there and he is not doing well. Her family has been sending him money to buy shampoo and extra food, but they just got a letter from him saying that he hasn't gotten any of it. Which means that the prison of the bank is stealing the money.

I think she wants to know if anyone here has family near the prison in Havana who might be able to give him the money they are sending to him.

FYI: Doug was sentenced to 28 years in prison for treason against Fidel Castro. I think he is 7 years into his sentence. The prison's name is El Combinado Del Este in Havana, Cuba.

Here is the website that she made about it for more information: [url="http://sites.google.com/site/freedougie/Home"]Free Dougie[/url]

Thanks. Edited by ntur
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