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What Hookah to buy

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I have been smoking for about two years now and I have always used my roomates hookahs. However we often will smoke after a bit of drinking and the hookahs have had a tendency of breaking or having problems staying sealed. Well I am now on my own to buy my first pipe and after looking at a few online shops, I am lost as to what to look for since I cannot see and touch the actual hookah. What I'm looking for is some advice for a durable and simple looking hookah. I looked threw a few posts on this site and the only brand name that I picked up on was Mya Saray after looking at their website I found that their acrylic medium sized hookahs look like what I want in the looks department , simple and inexpensive. I would appreciate any imput as to what you think or any suggestions for a simple, durable, one hose hookah. Also how much of a differnece is there from a small 14" like the Mya QT to a medium sized 29", I have only smoke medium pipes but I like the looks of smaller pipes. Thanks
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if you can afford the mya you like then definitely get it. hands down the best hookahs out there. Big difference in size between the mini qt and the medium hookahs. in my opinion, the mini is cool because of the lesser amount of setup time, and bigger hookahs are cool because you really feeling like youre doing something and getting the most out of your shisha. when you set one up and smoke it. i dont know if that makes any sense or if that even sounds cool to you, but i dont exactly know how to articulate what it is that i like better about bigger hookahs.i have both and if im gonna sit down for a while and smoke ill set up my medium size one. if i wanna smoke right away ill set up the mini since its such a breeze.youll get good smoke from both though.
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Well I have read a bit more now and I see the QT is quite popular. Well I guess my biggest concern is if the smoke is going to taste different from a big to a small hookah. My friend brought a hookah back from turkey which is really small and is aweful to smoke from. I just don't want to buy a pipe that will be my only one and not enjoy smoking it that much.
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Seeing that you smoke with other people, buy a hookah 28" and higher. the bigger hookahs are more "party" friendly. They are more stable, hoses are naturally longer (not really a big deal since a longer replacement can be bought for any size hookah) Mya is a great company... but a little pricy.. at least for me and what I was looking for. The Mya QTs are very inexpensive and very good looking - I would not mind purchasing one some day. Other than that, I say socialsmokehookah.com all the way. Great customer service and good quality hookahs. I have the 36" Aurora hookah and I am damn proud of it. No problems yet. There is some debate as to what size of hookah is better.. Some say that bigger hookahs are a more... refined cooler smoke. So I just say, it's all about personal preference... I've smoked from a 18" before and it smoke impressivly well... but I prefer smoking from my 36" anyday.
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