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Tangiers Opinion Please

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Hey guys a couple of things. Im about to invest a good part of my paycheck into Tangiers.This will be my first T's experience!So far i plan on buying 5 250g packsRight now im gettingBLueberryKashmire PeachJuicy PeachI would really appreciate it if u guys could give suggestions for the other two. Oh yah and im getting this from HookahCompany and i kno u guys hate this but if someone could PM me if there was even a discount there. I mean u dont have to but i have been searching this forum like none other and cant find if HC gives discounts.Cause imma also buy a box of charcoals, some Orange Cream, After Nine, and the "must get" HE1133 Tangiers head. Thanks guys!
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HC gives a discount on tang's shisha only so just type hookahforum in the special details section or whatever its called.I like his apple and kashmir apple as well.I tend to mix those 2 along with his kashmir and juicy peach.good stuff.
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i've only tried Kasmir peach and red... black tea?... lol, I forgot the color (Sorry Tangiers ) ANways, the tea is a good mellow smoke. It's not a "IN YOUR FACE!" taste but there is a little tea taste. I enjoy it. A good non-fruity flavor to lean on. Buzz is a bit stronger than other brands but not bad at all.Speding a lot of that money on a lot of hookah supplies! heh, just felt like saying that.
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I'm...not going to contribute...tastes are too different...I hope you will enjoy it. Unfortunately, Tangiers is not all things to all people, it is not larger than its own critical mass. Nothing is. If somebody tells you that something is all things to all people, they are lying. Add that to the Tangiers book of pithy sayings.
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