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Soex ? ... i just bought a 250 gr box from the store.. watermelonfirst of all ther tabacco is very drysecond its chuped up into such small piceses.. hard to belive its for hookah..the box is square and it has a hookah pic with watermelonit smells amazing.. really amazing.. but the flavour is very weak and can barly feel it
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ye ive tried it. seox isnt tobacco, it's herbal. its brags about being 100% tobacco nicotine and tar free. it's still a nicer smoke than everyone makes out. i tried the mixed fruit i think it was.pretty nice.
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true...in one hand.. its fun to smoke beacuse its safein other hand the smoke is nto as enjoyable as normal tabacco..also.. the tabacco might be safe for you but the coal and tinfoil isnt....i think ill stik to regauar tabacoo
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One thing that could potentially be very good with these herbal stuff is that it might make it possible to smoke hookah even if there is a smoking ban in place.I just sent an email to the ones responsible for the smoke ban here in Sweden and the answer I got was something like "in theory you are right, the law is only for tobacco products.". But at the same time he said that the aim of the law was also to ban things like hookah smoking, so the feeling I got was that you could probably get into problems if you arrange smoking of this herbal type stuff.Most probably I would guess they would treat it as if it was regular tobacco and then it would be up to oneself to process, sue and everything to get right in the end...
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[quote name='bboy_ayz']true...in one hand.. its fun to smoke beacuse its safe[/quote] arguable point there. you don't know what's in herbal shisha, so you could be inhaling all sorts of wierd chemicals.That thing about the law could be useful. they're trying to bring in no smoking laws in the UK, i wonder if that jsut refers to tobacco.
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There is no evidence that smoking herbal Soex stuff is safer than smoking massel. In the same manner there is no evidence that hookah is better or worse for people than cigarettes. The popular scientific theory is that amount of tobacco is proportional with risk. That is of course, false in that cigars are roughly as dangerous as cigarettes, yet there is 40-100 times the volume of tobacco being smoked!I've told this story before, but I'll tell it again, just for the effect of this topic.A long time ago, in the late 1800s, early 1900s they became concerned with the environmental effects of factories on the surrounding countryside. The smoke from the smoke stacks were thought to be damaging the plants and peoples health. So there was a great movement to raise all the smokestacks, everywhere to minimize these effects. It took alot of work but factory owners and managers everywhere looked at their evidence...more is better...and added to already extremely tall stacks. 80 years later, or so, we believe the opposite to be true. The positive effects of raising those smoke stacks is minimal. The negative effects is that it greatly contributes to acid rain. Everyone's logic was so convincing, everyone had been convinced to make a change...and it was wrong, by our thinking now, from a more technologically advanced point. In more recent times, smokstacks are being built lower (It is difficult to add to an already operating smoke stack, it is even more difficult to remove from one), in response to our newer understanding.What if 99.9% of the risk of smoking hookah came from burning charcoal?? Tobacco or not doesn't matter. What if herbal tobacco contains chemicals that are more dangerous than the chemicals in tobacco? How is it known? Bidis were thought to be safer than cigarettes, with their tembu wrappers...not true at all, perhaps the reverse is true, they're not as safe.Don't look for something safer. Something safer is hanging up your hose permanantly.
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Yeah, most of the dangers of smoking hookah probably don't come from the tobacco itself. In my scientific opinion (that is, the one coming from my gut... not my brain ) most of the risk comes from the burning charcoal. Everything else that is vaporized out of the tobacco probably has short term effects on lung performance, but whatever is burning out of the charcoals seems more potentially carcinogenic and otherwise dangerous. I wouldn't say don't look for something safer though... someone will come up with an alternate heating method eventually. I don't believe it's impossible.
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[quote name='prelic']i dont know the properties of the charcoals, but wouldnt that make bbq'ing just as dangerous?[/quote] 1. You don't inhale from the coals, you just eat the food that was cooked over them.When you smoke hookah you're actively pulling the fumes from the coals into your lungs.2. Things you inhale are far far more dangerous than things you eat.
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Actually, to answer the other point, I sucessfully appealed the State of California's decision making sheesha a tobacco product. Later they revisted the argument and rejected it. The federal governement didn't even address it. No matter what, they will classify it as smoking and tax it, if they want to, which they do. Bidis are a good example.
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