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Water depth

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Search is down so I've decided to bring up a discussion about how deep the stem should go in the water and the difference it actually makes. I've always heard that the stem should only go down about an inch into the water. With my diffuser on it adds an extra half inch or more to my stem. My stem now usually reaches about 2 inches down into the water. I could add less water but would it make a differnce in the smoke quality?
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Best thing to do is experiment. I usually have my stem 1 to 1 and a half inches in the water. But you can definately add more water, just make sure you don't splash up water in the hose when smoking. The only drawback with more water is that it's harder to draw.
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I raised my water level the other day to around 4-5 inches above my diffuser. I noticed I could get much thicker cooler smoke, but the taste was slighly less noticeable than normal. It didn't make too much of a difference, but I will keep more than an inch water in there just because I like a hell of a lot of smoke.
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I don't go so much by water depth as I do by the following factors:1)Too much water in the base will splash up into the hose when it bubbles, and cause poo from the smoke to collect in the hose because of the moisture.2)Too little or too much water will affect your draw. I have found that if I strictly follow the 1 inch to 1.5 inch rule, the draw is so light that it makes it uncomfortable to smoke. I also have found that with a light draw, smoke thickness is compromised, as you are bringing a lot more fresh air than smoke (I don't know why it seems this way to me. I could be wrong). Same with too much water, except with the opposite effect (tight draw makes it uncomfortable). What I have done is experimented with different water levels in my bases until find that sweet spot where the draw is just right, with a comfortable pull and good smoke thickness. You can then usually find a spot in the pattern on your base (if there is one) that matches up with this water level as a reference, and just fill to that spot each time.
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I haven't really experimented much with water level.. I know I did put more water than usual once.. and it made the draw harder... and I dind't like it much. BUUUT, I think I put too much water... so I should try it with a little less water. I'll do that experiment later. :) Another question to add to this thread:Does more water filter the smoke more? or does anyone really believe that the water really filters out anything from the smoke? I like to think more water would filter the smoke more... but at the same time I alwasy think.. How much can water really do? I just like to think a lot. heh. :)
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I have a test for too much water...I suck hard through the hose port without a hose on. If water comes, up ther's too much. I usually put as much water as I can before it will come up the hose port (potentially runing a hose).
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