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Wtt: My Store Priced Nakhla For Your Store Priced Af

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So we all know that even though nakhla is worth about 7 bucks a box, all vendors carry it as 10 a box, and upwards of 12 or 13 for mizo lines, which (Not to be too brash) is absolutely ridiculous.

I have store local to me selling these flavors of Nakhla, 7 for regular line and all mizo flavors (some even in tupperware) for 8. A steal in my opinion:

Regular line Nak, all 7 bucks:
- Mint
- Apricot
- Bahrini Apple (Jar!)
- Peach
- Rose
- Mango
- Cappicino
- El Basha Grape
- Double Apple
- Classic Single Apple
- Caramel (Not gaurunteed)
- Banana
- Orange

MIZO Line Nakhla, All [b]8bucks:
-[/b] Watermelon
- Peach (Tupperware packaging, still 8 bucks)
- Guava
- Mint
- Grape
[i]Although most of you forumers are hooked on coconaras like myself, some of you still really enjoy 3 KINGS quicklight coals. I can buy an entire 10 roll case of 3K for 10 bucks (13 for 44 mm) which is also a great deal, if this would be something some of you are interested in as well.[/i]
My trade proposal is this: I really don't like spending upwards of 14 to 15 dollars on my favorite Al Fakher flavors. If any of you guys out there are near a smoke shop selling it for a good price, I would be willing to trade purchases with each other to save the cash. I'm sure flat rate boxes can be involved in the equation, which would be evven better for both of us!

I'm looking for these AF flavors:
- Strawberry (I don't care if it's gold or not, I would prefer the original since it costs less and tastes the same)
- Berry
- Grenadine
- Peach


If anyone is interested in a great nakhla deal and can help me out, shoot me a PM and we'll work something out!!!!


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  • 2 months later...
I know your looking to do trades for AF but if your willing to pick those up for me from your local store and ship them, Id be happy to pay you for the favor?
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