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shisha retailers

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hey guys, im looking to buy like $50-60 worth of shisha, AW after nineAF Premium Bahrani (sorry for the ridiculously wrong spelling lol) applemaybe AW orange creamTangiers F line but i want to know whats special about the F line.... im a little out of the loop.... what does the caffiene actually do?and some HH herbal stuffanyone know of retailers that offer free shipping to New York? I dont wanna get screwed on shipping so thats my main concern any retailer suggestions would be much appreciated! Cheers!
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Compared to a cup of coffee , the Tangiers caffeine buzz hits you fast and fades rather quickly as well. With the nicotine on top, it's definitely the most intoxicating shisha I've ever smoked.
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I'm mainly looking for good flavour and thickk smoke, can anyone reccommend anything? also, this is pretty noob of me but i just switched to natural coals... the vivi ones and i dont really know how to use them.... how do you heat them up and how are you supposed to break them???
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To heat up the natural coals, you need something along the lines of a hot plate. I use my stove to light mine, but sometimes they produce smoke and make my kitchen smell bad. As far as breaking them, try not to get them too small, the larger they are, the longer they last. Just remember to ash them every now and then.
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