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from hookahcompany.com[#Ta01] Tangiers Tobacco (250 Grams) [Choose Flavor:=Kashmir Peach] $10.95 1 $10.95 [#Ta01] Tangiers Tobacco (250 Grams) [Choose Flavor:=Passion Fruit] $10.95 1 $10.95 [#Ta01] Tangiers Tobacco (250 Grams) [Choose Flavor:=Watermelon] $10.95 1 $10.95 [#Ch1488] Golden Hookah Charcoal $14.95 1 $14.95 my first foray into tangiers did i pick good flavors? i got crappy diamante coals that ash like crazy and dont last for $hit so i figured id order canary golden coals which i always get good sessions from. one more question how should i control the heat when it comes to tangiers since i hear its stronger stuff...thanks!!
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Per his advice, I get the best results with Tangiers using 3 or 4 Canary Goldens spaced out around the edges. Using a Tangiers head, that is...Kashmir Peach is always a good choice, and I've heard very good things about Passion Fruit and Watermelon. So yeah I'd say good choices
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you'll love the watermelon, trust me, as for coals, if its my big tangiers bowl i use three idividual pieces around the edge, but if its my cheap 3 dollar small clay bowl just two pieces still together (half a stick basically) at the edge with about 1/4 of the coal hanging off seems to work really well for me
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Good choice in flavors. As for the coals, I find 2-3 on my large Egyptian bowl work well. With 3 Kings coals, 2 halves at a time does the trick (in case you have any quicklights laying around). The Japanese coals do make the smoke much better though (don't overheat, less messy). Enjoy!
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