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lazzari natural charcoal....

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anybody ever use lazzari mesquite natural charcoal? when im not feeling extremely lazy and when i have a group of buddies comin over for a smoke, i break open a bag and i get the best smoke with no coal flavor! i think it works the best since its 100 percent natural which i assume is safer to use. off the hookah in sunnyvale ca uses this as well. so yea anybody ever use lazzari brand?
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I have not tried that brand but it sounds like you get the same results a couple of the other guys here and I have had using the ones I made from mesquite. Is the Lazari in chunks you have to break into smaller pieces for the most part?
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well i light them in bigger chunks in a smalll habachi style grill and when they are fully lit i break them down in the grill and take smaller pieces ilke that if you plan on a good long session this is the way to go because lazzari tends to come in big chunks
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