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Several Newbie questions for the guru's

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Good Morning,Thanks for everyones help. This board is awesome. I have several questions for people that know .My first is a comment question. Last night i was lighting up my full size MYA with quick light coals. At fist it got really good smoke and taste. I put the wind cover on because we were outside. After about five min. The smoke got really harsh and kind of hurt the back of my throat. I took the wind cover off and removed half of the coal. After about 5 more min. The pipe evened out and it stayed great for another hour after. So my question is I believe that I got the bowl to hot is that correct? If so should I just use half of the waffer instead of the whole thing. When I light the coal I wait until it gets pretty much all white. then break it in the middle and arrange the peices on the outer part of the the bowl. Is this correct? My second question is does anyone know the different health risks for hookah? I smoke cigars all the time. So how is the hookah comapred to a cigar or cigarettes? Does the coal pose any kind of elevated threat? Not that it matters I just like to know the facts to let other people know before they tug on my hose Thanks Again !!!!!!!
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for your first question yeah you just got it to hot and was probably burning, you can break em up and put them on the edge like you said but you dont have to, i think its all based on what works the best for you. as for the 2nd question i have know idea but im sure tangiers will be able to tell you
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regarding question 2. nobody is sure of the exact health risks. there have been studies into it, but as far as im aware, there is much controversy regarding the fairness of them. apparently one study compared hookah smoking to shisha, and they tested it by having a machine smoking with 3 coals on taking 20 puffs a minute...who honestly smokes like that?but there is a belief that hookah smoking isn't as harmful as cigarettes. i choose to accept 30 mins on a hookah as the equivelent as 2.5 cigs. theres not much evidence for this, but i like to tell myself:)There's still all the same risks as smoking, possibly a few more because of the coals. studies show theres a lot more heavy metals inhaled from shisha smoking because of the coals (that probably depends on what brand and type)And some studies have shown that the risks of oral cancer increase with hookah smoking.In terms of the health arguement, the one i use against anti-shisha people is that personally i dont see it as bad as alcohol. shisha could definately mess up your lungs, but alcohol will mess up ur liver, brain and prolly give you many other injuries from when drunk. the line "if you drink alcohol, you're just being a narrowminded hypocrite by lecturing me about shisha smoking" is one i've used a few times.DICLAIMER: non of this is fact, this is information i've picked up and chosen to personally accept. if you have a look round google, read the studies that have been done and make you're own educated opions on the matter. Bottom line is you're smoking something, you're breathing in something that isnt normal air so it is most definately bad for you.
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For your first one, i would suggest trying some diffrent methods of regulating the heat. Some people just place the coals in the middle and of the go. I personally move mine around the bowl. Start in the middle, and i wait till they start to get covered in ash, then i ash the coal, and then place it on the edge of the bowl, and start working it around, moving it every time it looks like it needs it. Then once its been all around the edge, i place it back on the center.As skimo said, its all about what you find best for you, just experiment with positions, and methods. and also as smiko said, im leaving that one to tangiers :D
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That's why I asked the second question. I smoke my cigars down to the nub. With cigars the heat source is very close to the mouth with very little filtering. The Hookah smoke seems to disapate very quickly. This leeds me to believe that it is a water vapor, smoke mix? Is this correct? For some reason I feel the smoke is cleaner from the hookah than cigars. Just a seat of the pants feeling. I would like to see some of the studies just for reference. As far as justifying smoking a hookah or anything else for that matter. We will never be able to justify smoking. It is bad for your health we know this. Smoking has been done for centuries by many people in many lands. Everyone has their own reasons. Mine is that it is relaxing and it is also a great social lubricant. The truth of the matter is that most things in moderation can be ok. If I were to eat to much fat every day it would kill me a lot faster than tugging on a hookah once or twice a week. Live life to the fullest. Arm yourself with knowledge
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Hi. Welcome, to you.Yes, too much coal. Wind covers, like Lake Monster said, tend to overheat the bowl. If you add coal and it gets harsh, take some off. Why not break the coal before you light it? Smoking hookah is dangerous. Save your own life man, stop smoking it, now.
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[quote name='Tangiers']Hi. Welcome, to you.  Yes, too much coal. Wind covers, like Lake Monster said, tend to overheat the bowl. If you add coal and it gets harsh, take some off.  Why not break the coal before you light it?  Smoking hookah is dangerous. Save your own life man, stop smoking it, now.  [/quote] Oh Tangiers.... I say, smoke it up buddy. You only live once, and there are plenty of worse things to do. And hey, you already smoke cigars.
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