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Haha, thanks guys. She's been a blast so far!


Here she is playing with my old greyhound's bunny:




Here we are after a bath. Wears her AND me out!



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I can't believe I haven't posted in here. 9 months to the day I adopted this little beast:




4.5 months old lab/shepherd mix. I dubbed her Shadow, as that was on my shortlist of names for a black dog, and especially because she followed me around EVERYWHERE in the first day.


She spent a lot of her first weeks either asleep or very shy:





But over time she's grown to be more confident, happy, and a loving dog:







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This is my collie/golden mix Kenya. Got her from the pound last January. She's a good dog but gets scared easily. Hates the rain and fireworks but is alright with gunshots for some reason...? Here she is in her Thunder Shirt which was returned a few days after purchasing. Her anxiety around new people was not any different with the shirt on, and she just slept all day wearing it! Her hobbies include ignoring her toys, doing weird things to my cat, eating from the litter box, and waking me up at 5:30 AM for a walk. 

Edited by wek-sos
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  • 2 weeks later...


My Cat - Formerly named Whiskey (By my sister when she was in college) is generallly called Wiki now




and Buttons (R.I.P) My dog used to climb into my crib and sleep with me and protect me he passed away when I was in my Freshman Year of High School.



Here is me trick or treating as Scarecrow with my Dog Buttons


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  • 1 month later...

So our friend is moving to Los Angeles and couldn't take her 2 yr old Great Pyr/Huskey mix with her. We decided to help her out and adopt her. Name is Nora and she's fixed, house-trained, kennel-trained, knows all kinds of tricks, and is in general the most amazingly well-behaved dog in the world. What's even better is that she's helped our 12 weeks old Great Pyr Yeti in her behavior as well- no more biting and other bad behavior in general, because now she has a play buddy. Overall, we're happy. My wife went and picked up Nora yesterday and she slept with us in the bed, with Yeti sleeping right beside me on the floor. Goes to her crate when told, sits, lays down, and has the goofiest look yet most beautiful blue/white eyes ever. Yeti follows her around everywhere and learns her every move. It's pretty cute.

Anyway, she came with everything from her crate to even a new name tag for us to engrave at Petsmart. We didn't have to spend a dime. How could we say no?

I'll try to get more pics of her goofy face and more of them playing together.


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Agggghhh! I LOVE huskies! I'm so jealous - if I had the space and could afford the increased food and vet bills, I would definitely have another dog. As I've discovered seeing how happy Shadow is playing with her doggie BFFs, the best thing you can get your dog is another dog.

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