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New batch on its way

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So I felt a little daring and went with some not so talked about tangiers flavors:Mixed fruit summer solsticeLemmon blossomGreen appleand Red TeaI have no idea what to expect of the summer solstice if any of have had it let me know. Floral mixed fruit maybe? I'll be reviewing all of them when they come. Oh I also got banana split AA as the free bonus at hookahcompany. So hopefully bring on the good smokes
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Gotta start somewhere. I just got rootbeer in the mail the other day. I let it acclimate today and had a big bowl. I was getting sood at smoke rings and then I puked. This is a sippen tobacco like others say. It's awesome quality and flavor but dont abuse it.
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[quote name='Teh Owntt']I want to order some Tangiers, but I dont know where to start...[/quote] Go to a website that sell Tangiers, get out your credit card...[quote name='Hookahnoob']Gotta start somewhere.  I just got rootbeer in the mail the other day. I let it acclimate today and had a big bowl. I was getting sood at smoke rings and then I puked. This is a sippen tobacco like others say. It's awesome quality and flavor but dont abuse it.[/quote] Shellfish for dinner? Drinking before, during and after smoking a nicotinated tobacco is a recipe for puking.
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they ended up vomitting lol. that may happen 2 me i just got my tangiers in ima let it acclimate b4 smoking 2nite....ima put a fair warning out 2 anybody who ends up smokin with me hahha
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It was totally my fault. I got up and was watching a movie and smoking like mad. Had a can of Coke (I never drink coke) and when the first coal went out I lit up another. I was trying to make smoke rings so I was constantly smoking. I should have known better.
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Yeah some people are stupid, a friend of mine bet he could take 125 hits in a row without breathing inbetween, so I, being my cunning self, ha, packed him a bowl of tangiers, 75 hits in and he hits the floor, literaly passed out, best 20 bucks I ever got, and before you feel bad for the guy, hes a dumbass so he deserved it, lol, hes the guy who we can always get to do stupid stuff like the gallon challenge, or branding himself, ect...
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