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The Best Hose

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So I have a MYA QT with the cheapest MYA hoses. They're fine and all, but the QT is a nice piece and I'd like to upgade the hoses.What is the best hose you can get?I would strike me that the best hose would be washable which would increase longevity. Have a nice feel while hold ing it. Have a nice mouth feel and pull. And as an added bonus it might look nice.Is there any kind of concensus out there about who makes the uber hose? As always, thoughts are appreciated.
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It sure doesn't seem like it as the wood inside the tips isn't finished so it would absorb water - that and the leather definitely isn't waterfriendly unless it's synthetic, but I haven't looked that closely. In anycase, I'm sure the $5 MYA hoses I haven't aren't the best ones out there.
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Aside from maybe getting one of the more aesthetically pleasing Mya hoses, you already have the best, washable hose you can get. Here are some of their fancier offerings:[url="http://www.myasaray.com/store/item.asp?ITEM_ID=911&DEPARTMENT_ID=36"]http://www.myasaray.com/store/item.asp?ITE...EPARTMENT_ID=36[/url]There are others on their website as well. I think the hose you have now is probably fine, and will last forever.
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other than the mya hose with wooden ends that comes with the QT, I would say the same mya but with plastic ends is another great hose. Completely washable and no hose restriction when pulling.
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Doing some searches here, some people seem to really like the Khalil Maamon (or Tundra as they have been referenced as) hoses as well. Anybody used both?
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I find the mya metal tipped hoses are better than the plain wood tiped (that comes with the mya). Even though they are pretty much the same hose except for the tip. For some reason, the cool metal on the tip and the taste is much better. I could be full of dookie, but that's what I notice. I never smoke out of my stock QT hose.
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[quote name='c4r80n']I find the mya metal tipped hoses are better than the plain wood tiped (that comes with the mya). Even though they are pretty much the same hose except for the tip. For some reason, the cool metal on the tip and the taste is much better.  I could be full of dookie, but that's what I notice. I never smoke out of my stock QT hose.[/quote] I totally agree, and prefer to not smoke out of anything other than a metal tip.edit: I guess I should say a non-wood tip. I'm fine with the vinyl tubing, too.
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I have seen leather hoses in red, yellow, off-orange, green (both dark and lime), light and dark blue, purple and maroon. I've seen head pieces in red, orange, yellow, green , blue and black. Different shades, different styles. The last bunch of Kanzaman hoses I bought had "column", "Standard" and "Dice" headpieces, the latter of which are the finest headpieces I've ever smoked out of.
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Does anyone have one of the mya hoses with the extra long wooden handle? I'm considering getting one and want to know how well it works and if it'll fit in the hard case that mya gives with a lot of their hookahs.
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I have owned a mya hose and I agree with Tangiers on leather hoses. I think the tundora hoses are the best. They pull really great and the tip feels much nicer to smoke from. Another plus about them is they don't seem to keep off flavors. I think this is because the hose is real leather and can breathe. As far as aesthetics goes I think they look really nice.
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Can't, here in So. Cal. Tough luck. I do have a couple from this other company...I have to call and find out the name. I have become disenchanted with the brand new Khalil Maamon hoses. They are attractive, but the same problems with the old Khalils seem to be getting worse and a strange hose flavor popped up, too. I will be reviewing a Khalil Maamon hose soon.
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So does anyone have the Mya Wides? I'd really like to hear how they smoke. I have to replace the hoses on my hookah, and I want something with a really nice draw. I read somewhere else that someone was recomending them...it'd be great if I could get a review, so let me know if you get them, Glottis.BTW, off topic...does your nick happen to come from the game "Grim Fandango"? It seems the big monster guy was named Glottis in that one...
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From what I remember reading on the forum, the Mya long handle was pretty good - I was considering getting one till I realized that my hose that came with my SS hookah was pretty good. Also, all Mya hoses are washable... thats another thing I remember being posted by the owner awhile back. I prefer hoses with a longer handle. It really makes the session feel more relaxed. :)
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