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Mya QT Question

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Was just sitting bored, since i woke up way to early, being sick sucks.Anywhoo, had a question for you QT owners. Its about this wire cage, or basket, or whatever it is. Does it work well? Protect the lil beauty well? Any problems you have with it?Already ordered mine, but was just wondering if the cage thing was worth a damn, or if i should invest in another means of storage for my Mya.
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I think its alright.It's not going to protect it from a fall to a hard surface necessarily, but it is handy otherwise. It has a handle so you can hang it up and smoke it... you can smoke it in the basket.I take mine in the truck with me and hang it up in the little clothes hook over on the passenger side. The whole thing then fits nicely on the console by the stick when its smoke time.
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very nice lakemonster. We used to smoke my friends Junior Mod by sticking it on top of its case inbetween us in his truck. Now i have my own vehicle, completly forgot about that :D Guess ill stick with the basket then.
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[quote name='Blue Lantern']The problem I have with the wire cage is that I'm afraid that the stuff i put inside is going to fall out like my shisha, tongs, and accessories.  Btw, does Mya have a hard case that will fit the QT?[/quote] i dont have to worry about that. I have a large toolbox like case i keep all my supplies in. Shisha, coals, tongs, lighter, wind cover, tips, bowl, screen, and much more is kept in there. The only thing not is the hookah and its hoses.I dont know if mya does, i havent found one yet.
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heres how I tote everyting with that basket...[img]http://hookahnation.net/lakepics/myapack.jpg[/img]Ive got my bowl. shisha.. foil and a roll of coals back behind the stem... I just plug the hose up and wrap it around the outside and then run the tip through cage to lock it into place
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[quote name='Lakemonster']heres how I tote everyting with that basket...  [img]http://hookahnation.net/lakepics/myapack.jpg[/img]  Ive got my bowl. shisha.. foil and a roll of coals back behind the stem... I just plug the hose up and wrap it around the outside and then run the tip through cage to lock it into place[/quote] Your making me sooo anxious for mine to come in the mail.
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