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Acclimation FAQ

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hey guys, this is a pretty noob question of me but i never used to acclimate my shisha before i read about it on this forum.. seeing how you can only buy utter crap when it comes to shisha in Canada i never really cared so much, now im getting 3 250 g tubs and one 250g box of shisha from hookah company. now! for the questions.1. What does acclimation really do?2. When do you acclimate3. do you acclimate every time before you smoke, or can you just acclimate an entire 250g box than put it in a ziplock bag?4. My shisha will be at my g/f's until i move back to university (in a month) when i move it back do i have to acclimate it again? 5. How long do you acclimate?6. Would it be better if i kept my shisha in my humidor rather than a ziplock bag?7. do i have to acclimate as soon as i get it? or can i acclimate it whenever i want to open the air tight seal? im not opening all my tubs at my g/f's so is it ok to wait a month to acclimate them?Thanks for any and all responses to these questions!Cheers
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1. Allows the shisha to adjust to its surroundings, i.e. the moisture in the air, temperature, maybe even altitude, which in turn provides a better smoke.2. Whenever you get a new box, whenever there has been a significant change in weather/temperature in the area where you will smoke and if you change elevations.3. You can acclimate everytime if you want to, but if there is no big change in your surroundings you don't really have to worry.4. You probably would as weather can change a lot in a month.5. Like 3 hours.6. No comment.7. Just acclimate the day you plan on smoking them.Don't thank me, thank hookahwiki.
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i don't acclimate all of my shisha at once. i just pack a bowl and let it sit for an hour or so before i smoke it. seems to work just fine.
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[quote name='wufabufa']i don't acclimate all of my shisha at once. i just pack a bowl and let it sit for an hour or so before i smoke it. seems to work just fine.[/quote]I do the same thing. Works great for me since I've been known to forget to put lids on things. Dry shisha is no fun.
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Not trying to bash acclimation at all, but I've never once in my 4+ years of smoking let my tobacco sit out before smoking it because it wasn't tasting right. Then again, it could just be my location (central valley northern CA), where we have relatively low humidity year around, and it's never really that dry.Even my Tangiers smoked fairly well, aside from the harshness when I use my normal amount of coals, but I don't think that was because of a lack of aclimating it.Guess I'm just lucky ^_^
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[quote name='Tangiers']Yash: Yeah, but do you seal the stuff up or let it be exposed to new air all the time?  [/quote] Typically when I get a new batch of tobacco, I keep the tobacco in the original container, so for Fakher or Havana, open up the tub and take it out of its second packaging, dump that all into the tub and close it up. Smoking time? Go straight from tub to bowl, no sitting out, and I don't really notice anything unusual.
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I dont understand y u have to acclimate once u get it. I would maybe get y u would need to once u first open it though. I mean stores arnt acclimating them when they get their shipment and they put it out on their shelves for a while.I assume this is also true for online venders.Im not going against, its just that where i live u really have to acclimate and a smoking experience can change drastically depending on the weather since the dew point jumps like a mother.
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Yeah, well, your turn signals blink too fast too AND your radiator cap is loose. Acclimating invloves opening it. Why keep opening it when the end user can just open it once and get the same effects. Acclimating a washed (Non-nicotinated) tobacco only makes a slight difference. Many people can't find a difference.
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I noticed that i need to even acclimate my .05 nic brands. It sucks really bad. I need to do pre-meditated (sp?) smoking, no spur the shisha smoking.Do u think i would be safe if i acclimated once i opened the sealed pouch instead of once i open the fedex box?
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Hey guys, I've been reading these forums for a while now, and I've been smoking for a little over a year now....I was just wondering what the best method of acclimation is, or your opinions of it..Would you suggest spreading it out over a larger surface area for more exposure, or just setting it out in a dish? Also, what is the best amount of time to let it acclimate?
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macneilislt; most of us just crack the lid on our jars. You don't acclimate all of it at once, so just use what you're gonna smoke.Personally, i open my tubs once a week or so and close em again just to re-fresh the air inside; and thats as close to acclimating as i get.
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Acclimation makes sense to me - though everyone's various methods of doing so seem somewhat questionable. More undue ritual for the sake of it.It has to getting the shisha to be agreeable to it's environment in terms of general humidity/temperature. If acclimation does ANYTHING, as Tangiers said, you would need to do it at least once after you get it. Though really just having/using it wherever you live would eventually do the same thing over time due to regular exposure - as long as your air qualities don't change constantly.I don't think constant aclimation is nessecery. Just make sure it's gotten some air into for a few hours once you get it. The science here is soft to begin with and the various methods people describe are even softer. If acclimation does anything, then it really just needs to breath a bit once you've gotten it after shipping (assuming their atmosphereic qualities are disimilar). Again, I can see aclimation making a difference - but I think people are reading a bit too much into it.I think you can break it down into to three steaps.1) Buy shisha. Once you have it home...2) Break it up and let it breath for a few hours - the time would vary according to climate - the more mild, less time, more extreme (dry/wet, hot/cold) more time.3) Seal it up tight - and take a bit out for smoking.Done and done. I have a hard time believing anything else is actually doing anything.
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