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Moms = poop

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So i got my 100g bag of Havana Bahr. Apple todayLol it was in a ziplock bag in an envolope and had some poop looking stains. Smelled great but my mail man was a bit scared since it looked like it was leaking poop.Anyways, i leave it to goto work and when i come back, my mom is holding the envelope thats pooped stained and it all pissed off that i actually got second hand shisha.She was like "he might have put lsd in there"and i thought that would b cool cause for 6.50, a cheap hit would be interesting.But then i thought maybe like pesticides...that would be a cricual buzzbut then i thought rat poisoning, then i got a little scared. I mean, that would be a cheaper alternative than LSD.Well anyways aronparson, it smelled great, im sorry i couldnt try it.Kinda coconutty to the nose.Did i miss out on something tight?
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...I don't think you can smoke LSD - very well at least, but I could be wrong. I would imagine the heat would destroy it.But yeah, that sucks.
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A b c d lsd, gummi bears are chasing me, one is green, one is blue, they are bitting at my shoe....:P Smoke a bowl and walk out half drunk looking and sing that to your mom, really give her somethin to worry about, MUHAHAHAHA!!
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Wouldn't happen, LSD-25 is rare, expensive, and is easily destroyed by both heat and light. The whole lacing argument doesn't hold up.Rat poison, or pesticides? Hmm, well nicotine can be a pesticide itself, and it has been said that arsenic (rat poison) is in second hand smoke, so I think you just lost some good shisha. Besides, I'd assume if you're trading shisha with people, you trust them enough. Because other than the packaging, I don't see the problem with the shisha.
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uh oh aron am i gonna get rushed 2 the hospital after packing a bowl of the orange u sent me? lol as long as i get some good hits i suppose
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It sounds like Mom is not willing to take risks with her son? Being a Dad I can see her point. Once the Doc hands one off to you they are always gonna be your babies. You guys will find that out soon enough.
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If you arent going to smoke something, then don't ask for a sample...The other problem is sending tobacco to minors...of which we seem to have plenty lately. Best not to send samples unless you know who you are dealing with, preferably someone who's Mom isn't going to take away something she doesn't like.I realize I owe 2 people samples. If you'd pm me again I'll get them out to you..been a VERY hestic 2 weeks. AH, and if you are just going to throw out my hard earned money, tell me now.
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Well, I'm not a minor... my mom happened to be up here for the first time in months and went nuts for a minute. Atleast it was pretty much all of my own shisha that she threw away and not samples and I did get a chance to review that raspberry ;)
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Daaang Mush. Might want to take out some aggression on a nice bowl of shisha.I am not a minor either. Just a homeless college kid.I think the reason my mom choose to throw away my shisha was b/c it was leaking all inside the envelope in which it came. I really think i smoke too much for my mom to care about my smoking habbits. I do appreciate her worries but comming from me (a pack n a half day smoker) i dont think it was the smoking because im a minor u really have to worry about.
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htd: ah..my appologies in that case. I lived at home for a short time even when I went back to grad school. If my mother had thrown out soemthing with my name on it, large problems would have arisen. hmm...come to think of it, i did get my own place after a short while And the first time my mother said soemthing about where I did live, caused her not to be invited back.....
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O werd? hahha my last sentence came out pretty wrong BTW.I think i ment to say "im NOT a minor."anyways, sall good man. I move into my apartment for school next sat. We r planning to get 6-8 hookahs going for a hookah buffet. I also am planning for this school year to try n enter a modern hookah creation (no prethought yet at all) into my electrical engineering fair.Maybe an electrical hookah that can circulate air with fans (kinda stolen from a bong) and something even more spectacular. Like maybe a doughnut making hookah
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Man.......... Thing is that those of us that are legal age that send out samples that end up in the hands of minors are faced with real consequences. It doesnt matter if a person smokes 16 heads a day and 4 packs of cigs..... if they are under the age.. then we WILL be the bad guy ultimately if/when consequences come a'callin.WE (18+) BEAR THE RESPONSIBILITY.... whether we agree with tobacco laws or not.Your mothers bear the responsibility for your actions as well. If you get called in to court as a minor..(lets say...for tobacco possession), WHO has to be RIGHT THERE with you? WHO will the judge talk to LAST? Yeah..... being an adult can make us "anal"..... but we pay too high a price to hand tobacco off to "kids".Im just not gonna pay that price.
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yuppies yuppies yuppies, i agree with the whole legal age thing, just sucks that most of the people here are from a country where the legal age is 18+. sucks total ass because although i can legally smoke here in the UK and buy tobacco, i can't legally order from the US (SWIM can though)Of course, i wouldn't mind only buying from the uk if it wasnt equivelent of $70+ for 250g of AF!!
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