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judgement day approaches

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[quote name='Claytron']I understand when people want others to smoke skanky cigarettes outside. They smell like ass. But hookah? Commaaaaaaan... It smells like goodness - unless you have El Burro 'Donkey Shit' flavored shisha - in which case, you better take it outside.[/quote] i know right!! i was like IT' SLIKE INCENSE (which i burn in my room) and my dad says that he doesn't like that either... and then i was pretty much defenseless. they used to smoke and they're like "DID WE EVER SMOKE IN THE HOUSE?" but i just can't convince them to let me. :( i think it's because of my brother's asthma or whatever, but if it's just in my room with the door closed, i don't see the problem.
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MY BROTHER IS 20 IF IT BOTHERS HIM HE CAN MOVE OUT!! besides i never killed him with all the incense and ahem other things i used to smoke in my room when i was younger! (of course my parents didn't know about that)
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