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Attention: Hookah lovers who like to write

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Hey everyone!!I am interested in starting an online magazine dealing primarily with hookah smoking and I am looking for people who are willing to submit stories and advice that pertain to hookahs. I am open to any type of material you are willing to write. Let me know if you are interested in this opportunity. My email is: pauquette.3@osu.eduI look forward to hearing from you!Thanks, Melissa
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Hmmm, stories and advice I am not sure if I am at the level to give yet.As far as hookah, shisha, and coal reviews. Lounge reviews. It seems to me you need actual panels for that part because reviews relying soley on one or two people are not a broad enough scope. If someone handled up on some structure there it would be nice. So far only 3 of 10 people I have sent charcoals to test have let me know anything. So if you want reviews you may have to shoot for a lot more people than you actually *need* to get information back from. That is to be expected. For some of the things you want there is a lot of things written up on this forum and the German forum that you may want to read through and then contact the writer for permission (just out of courtesy) to use. What Darth offered is a great example of things that can be used that are already written. As a matter of fact you could spend some time and have enough material for a lot of articles. Drawing it all in from different sources and sorting through finding the really good stuff and pulling it into a more concise and logical format would be fantastic.
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uh hey guys i hate to be the downer but theres already one in the works. ive been working with elite and his team about setting up a mag. He has everything in place he just needs writers. or if you want help for your magazine im sure that there are plenty of people that can help you with it.
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