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Milk = thicker smoke... WTF?

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K I was just browsing random hookah sites and on gethookah.com under smoking tips, there was one that said "For super-thick smoke, use milk instead of water" ... k that doesn't make much since to me but are there any of you that smoke like 6 bowls a day wanna try this out? I'm betting it'll kill the taste a lil though.
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i've done it before and it definately works. just make sure you keep it cold while it's in the hookah because once the milk heats up to room temp. it starts to over power the flavor you're smoking.
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The milk DOES work, but like the others on here say, it can bubble up and really ruin your hose. Actually, thats how my first hose rusted out. The best thing to use is actually those tiny half and half cream packets, just pour it into your vase. I do it from time to time, you just have to remember theres milk in there and not go overboard with your draws.
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[quote name='Volcom8234']I say water with ice or freezing the base before the smoke are a better idea than using milk[/quote]YES!freezing base for 10-15 min.then ice + water = smooth, cool, and thick smoke.
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Then you get great new flavors. Sour apple... sour cola... sour... ew. hahaha... I can see it being fine but a few things: a) Milk cost quite a bit more than nice, cold, ice water.B) You MUST clean it right after using it.More Cost + More Work + Questionable Results = Not Worth It
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i have tried many different combinations of juices and shisha, and i CANNOT tell any difference. it doesnt make sense how it would- you're not smoking the fluid. if anything, your just inhaling the smell of the juice, and thats not that potent to begin with. i tried milk once. took me 30 minutes to clean it out of my hose and stem. to be perfectly honest, im not even sure i can tell the difference between water and ice water. what id like to see is the actual temperature of the smoke with and without the ice, to see if it is really all in the mind. i think thats what a lot of this is. the smoke is just not in contact with the water long enough to seem like it would make a difference. most of the smoke doesnt even touch the water. is there a way we can get some sort of scientific data on this?
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well you might be right some of it could be psychological... a placebo if you will... however if you were to put water in your base and then put the base in the freezer... it would make a difference.... smoke cools very easily, and it is in direct contact of the base thus there def. would be a cooling affect, and if you think about it, the smoke is in the base for quit a while.... when you are not drawing there still is smoke lingering in the base for the next puff.... so i dunno if that arguement is valid... i do agree with you on the juice aspect, i didnt taste a difference, but when i put lemon wedges in my base i could taste them when i was smoking nahkla melonCheers!
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I have done it a few times with nice cold milk. It definately makes the smoke thicker and naturally it does give a slight hint of creaminess to the flavour of the smoke. It wasn't too bad in terms of the fruity flavour but I assume that it would actually compliment some of those coffee flavours quite well.
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I dont think i makes the smoke thicker. I used something like 1 to 4 parts milk and it did nothing. NOT worth doing it again to me. I like just water. Hell now-a-days i just reuse the water ive used for about 5 days.
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I've used wine and it definitely added flavor - just noting that changing liquids can make a difference. But I pass on milk.Again, see math above. ;)
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I tried milk on the advice of the Hookah-Shishah.com newsletter, mixed about 30/70 with water being the primary ingredient. They said it was supposed to improve taste, but it just made the water a bit whiter. No point in it, if you ask me, because you can ruin perfectly good hoses.
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