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Best Coals

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I konw there has been numerous posts in the past about this but......What coal do you think is the best??Since I don't want this to turn into a natural vs. quick light debate post what quick light you think is the best AND Natural if you have used them.Also if you could give some feedback on why you think they are the best and where to get them.
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My favorites have always been 3 Kings Quicklights. You can light the things with a match if you want, easy to carry in my hookahs case with a lighter, and they last a nice long time. Also, I've never had one explode on me like some other brands...I forget which brand it was, but almost ever coal just sort of exploded mid-smoke, and messed up the taste.
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I like the japanese coals with the silver coating. Many people swear by natural coals. These are harder to light than the gunpowder disks, but worth it.
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Three Kings are the coals I've been using for awhile. I've tried some natural coals but I find it's too long of a wait for nothing. Plus there's really no maintenance needed during a session with the Three Kings. I've found with natural coals that I had to clean the coal too frequently and more ash was getting into the bowl.
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Quicklight of choice: 3Kings or Goldens. The Goldens last longer for me than 3Kings, but tend to give off massive sparks. Never fully exploded on me, but the sparks are annoying (and hurt). 3Kings (when fully lit) give off virtually no odor, and work great.Natural of choice: Diamante (bright red bag) or Nour. The diamantes are great when fully lit and give off virtually no odor, and they ash amazingly. The main reason why Diamantes have taken over as my favorite natural over Nours is because of the amount of ash they produce.Nours are good, but because of the way Diamantes are construted (ie binder used), they don't leave a ton of ash on the bowl, and when ashed in the tray, noticibly smaller amount of ash than Nours.Non-natural/quicklight coal of choice: Japanese with silver coating like mentioned above. These are trickier to use than the natural finger coals because they burn much hotter IMO, so you have to experiment with them a bit. But once you know what you're doing, they give off no odor, and smoke really well.If you have any more questions, let us know :)
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canary's japanese style coals by far! they get bright red quick and last a very long time! i did this last night...halfway lit it blew onto them and they got fully red! these never let me down unlike the diamante ones which ash too much and dont last for $hit...i have these as backups between ordering canarys
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[quote name='nuschultz']I like the japanese coals with the silver coating.[/quote]I also use those at home. Last muct longer than quicklites.But on the go when a gas stove is not present quicklitesare much more convienient to use.
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Ive been using Three Kings this week, i have to say i feel sorry for the people using them, they suck! Give off a horrible coal taste, and affects the flavor alot. Only reason i used them was because i was in a pinchThe japanese silver ones i like, but they dont last long at all, you have to use about 2-3 sticks per session, and they arent cheap eitherI prefer the natural coals, the diamante or the noor. Diamante is good because it doesnt ash as much like someone said, but they are a bitch to break, you need a hammer or something around or else theres no way you can make them smaller. The noor ones are perfect except they tend to ash more.
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I prefer Japanese coals for taste and ashing, but the cost and number needed for a decent session is discouraging. I've used 3K for a while but don't plan on buying more; the taste, ash and inconsistent amount of heat is a pain. I guess I'll give naturals and/or fingers next.
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