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Lil noob question...

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Just a quick question: I'll be going to my first restaraunt that serves shisha as an aside. Now, my question is about when you're 'supposed' to smoke. Is it before/throughout/after the meal or just one of the three? If anything I'd assume after but that would make for a hella long stay at the restaraunt lol. Thanks for the info.
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Good advice. I like to start smoking durring the meal when I'm by myself or at my house. For some reason it makes the food taste like super juicy for some reason lol. But yah... I guess I'll be there for about 3 hours at least between dinner and shisha... ugh I'm gonna be so relaxed by the time I'm done Thanks for the advice, guys!
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I went to Eden Garden Cafe and the food was FANTASTIC! Not cheap (about $30 per person if you want an appetizer, full meal, and shisha) but SO worth it. Best meal by FAR that I've had in a LONG time. I'll definately be back. My only complaint is that they gave me a tempermental hookah (liked leaking from the bottom of the bowl and where the hose connects no matter how much I messed with it. BEAUTIFUL hookahs! Lebanese restaraunt with beautiful flooring inside and a HEUGE covered patio which was tastefully lit and surrounded by palm trees and other trees/bushes. For some reason though, the shisha went harsh very quickly (as it always does for some reason with me whenever I go somewhere where Al Fakher is served ) but it was still amazing! The service was very good. I encourage all of you to check it out that are willing to make the drive www.EdenGardenCafe.comHere's a pic of one of their hookahs out in the patio area - don't let the pic fool you, this patio is BIG (thanks to HookahCulture.com for the pic) [img]http://www.hookahculture.com/edengarden1.jpg[/img][img]http://www.hookahculture.com/edengardenhookah.jpg[/img]
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