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Suggestions for a better forum.. Lets contribute!

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Well, I have been a reader for around 4-5 months now and i find this a very resourcefull forum, but sometimes i get confused browsing around new topics that are repeated many times, so i am here to offer a few suggestions.1- I think that the forum should have a fixed topic for "My New Hookah" so users go there and post their photos because every week new topics pop-up with photos and nothing else...2- We should also have a fixed topic for something like this "My buying experience with:" where people can describe their experience with nay particular retailer. Any problems should be addressed and dealt by private messages and then just post the outcome3- A fixed topic for Reviews of all kinds of smoke... a moderator can organize it so people can find everything within one topic...Well..This is pretty much what i have in mind.. I am sure other ideas will arise from this discussion.. so reply
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[quote name='jucesar']Well, I have been a reader for around 4-5 months now and i find this a very resourcefull forum, but sometimes i get confused browsing around new topics that are repeated many times, so i am here to offer a few suggestions.[/quote] alot of people are, thats why there is a search function, but most dont use it.[quote name='jucesar']1- I think that the forum should have a fixed topic for "My New Hookah" so users go there and post their photos because every week new topics pop-up with photos and nothing else...[/quote] stickies dont work. All the forums I have been apart of for cars, hookah, sports they dont work. People dont read the stickies first they make posts. Once the sticky is made then people will just reply with read the sticky and it gets us nowhere.[quote name='jucesar']2- We should also have a fixed topic for something like this "My buying experience with:" where people can describe their experience with nay particular retailer. Any problems should be addressed and dealt by private messages and then just post the outcome[/quote] an experience with each is a good idea. But we are better off making one post about all the companies than giving a rating for them. Considering most are all 10/10 this sticky would be worthless. here is the link in the sticky we have now for a list of retailers. [url="http://home.san.rr.com/mastertofu/"]http://home.san.rr.com/mastertofu/[/url][quote name='jucesar']3- A fixed topic for Reviews of all kinds of smoke... a moderator can organize it so people can find everything within one topic...[/quote] to much work. Plus there is already a site for it that 2 guys did. I dont have the link but its in their sigs.[quote name='jucesar']Well..This is pretty much what i have in mind.. I am sure other ideas will arise from this discussion.. so reply  [/quote] good ideas, but none of them will work. people will still come and make the same posts over and over again. something we will just have to live with.
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i cant say i agree with his ideas, but i do aggree the hookah forums need a nice facelift by a webmaster. Switch to a better BB system, a custom theme just for the HF's, and some custom scripts to really make this place for the hookah smoker. And instead of stickies, have a new category, name it review, then in it hvae a few forums for people to post there reviews. A company reivew one, shisha review, hookah review, bar/club/resturant.Then maybe another category named show off. In it, have the forums Show Your Stash, Smoking Pics, ramdom stuff.and much much more. Its not too hard to make a awesome looking forum. And im sure theres a few more web desingers on the hookahforums who would more than willing help, not just me.
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alright i did some looking. Now if the forum mebers did some donating to keep a paid bb system, either Ivision Power Board or vBulletin, then both come with, or will do the conversion from Web Wiz to whichever one we got.So that would save time and trouble, and get the Hookah Forums on a really good, very stable BB system, with alot of sweet featuers built in.
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[quote name='EvansLight']alright i did some looking. Now if the forum mebers did some donating to keep a paid bb system, either Ivision Power Board or vBulletin, then both come with, or will do the conversion from Web Wiz to whichever one we got.  So that would save time and trouble, and get the Hookah Forums on a really good, very stable BB system, with alot of sweet featuers built in.[/quote] If we get enough members, sponsors should take care of the costs assuming it's worth their while... just a thought. I'd rather not go that way and keep it non-partisan
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yea. but i mean i think this forum has gotten to a point it needs it. If it offered a bit more, and looked a bit better, it would grow even larger than it is. Id love to help, but this all comes down to the boards owner.
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If stickies do not work maybe new topics will... All i am saying is that i find same messages over and over again and i have to filter what exactly i want to read...Well.. I am sure a lot more people have suggestions... so lets see what can be done here..
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[quote name='jucesar'] [quote name='DarthHookah'] maybe this site will be better with some nudity. that usually works.[/quote]I second that!How about "Girls N Hookahs XXX"   That is a niche someone could explore... [/quote] I dont think I want to see those pics. Hoses being placed where they shouldnt be doesnt excite me that much.
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[quote name='Scheetz'] [quote name='jucesar']  [quote name='DarthHookah'] maybe this site will be better with some nudity. that usually works.[/quote]I second that!How about "Girls N Hookahs XXX"   That is a niche someone could explore... [/quote] I dont think I want to see those pics. Hoses being placed where they shouldnt be doesnt excite me that much. [/quote] The man has a point
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Ok..this IS the new forum. You all should have seen the OLD version.The problem with review threads is that people then put in their 2 cents about YOUR review..then it goes off onto some other tangent, then its no longer a review thread. Its been tried too many times to talk about.There is a search engine that works real well here. USE it.Reviews are nice, but i can find 3 people with different opinions of EVERY brand and flavour..you want to try soemthing, offer to trade for a sample of it.This forum is already being paid for my a hookah sales site. but unless you read around, you'd never know it, which is JUST fine. You want to know what who it is, ask. We have enough problems with people and their employee's posting stuff about their sites. As long as they follow the VERY simple rules, everything is cool.You don't like this one...start one...line up sponsors, pick the perfect engine, spend a LOT of time maintaining it, and see how much different it will be from this one in a few months...besides a MUCH lower post rate and emmbership. Instead of complaining, lets see what folks can do to keep THIS one going strong? hhmmm?
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i personlly wasnt complaining. I like the forums for what they are, the communtiy. And i understand that these are the new forums, and i did see the old ones, back on my older name. But that doesnt mean you cant get the next version in the works. Almost all popular sites learn one thing, once you make a new version, as soon as all the bugs are worked out, you should be starting on the next version. And besides making another hookah forums wouldnt work for the same reason that all the copy cat million dollar hompages didnt work, there copies. Site like the HF's are unique in what they are. Any sites trying to do it, even if done better, will fail for the sheer fact its a copy. it wont be respected, and like others it will fail.And i know and understand about costs, maintenence, the hassles of running a major site, and the problems faced by a growing site. I myself am a web designer/manager by trade. Currently enrolled in college for just that field. Now im not trying to come off as an asshole, im not trying to say that there arent other things to worry about, im just saying with as large as the HF's are getting, it really should look into were its future is. But im just ranting, its the web master in me coming out. As always, its not my site or forums, i just have become addicted to the community, and really want to see it grow even larger
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[quote name='cityboyyy']i personally think this facelift kicks asss ... i like the new design the ease of use ... just kinda miss the chat but i hope this forum only gets stronger day by day[/quote] yea its gettin better, and i hope it does too. And i feel the logical next step for the forums is a better bb, and a custom made theme :D
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Well, this forum does lack a ton. I helped design some basic forums for the IT guys at HP, and we could use a lot more topics.Like Basic Hookah Information, and Tips and Tricks, stuff like that.That way we're not trying to cram everything into one topic.
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lol @ tangiers. From what i remeber of the older forums, they were a bit nicer looking.Personally i think the hookah forums do need a makeover. Just a good web enginer or two to give it a once over.
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Something I think would be good is if there was one sticky thread where everyone just posted their favourites of the different brands of shisha they've tried, and maybe their all-time favourite. Just one post, list your favourites, done. I havnt been here long and I've already seen a few "what shisha should I buy" threads, so it may eliminate some of those.Then if you try something new, or figure you like something better, you can just go back and edit your original post
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