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Is my shisha still good?

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No, no, no. It was and is a stereotype. If you say all people that have characteristic A (Middle-Eastern Businessmen) also have characteristic B (are crooked) that is a stereotype. It is probably based on empirical evidence, that has nothing to do with it. The problem is, you are reducing people into groups that carry with them specific attributable characteristics. People are way too complicated and diverse...to make stereotypical assertions. The statements are racist, essentially, you are using your cultural perspective as the superior model and those other people are lesser or noteworthy because they have features other than what you decide as normal or optimal. Don't take it personally, Persian Pride...Yash is trying to point out that feelings could be hurt by such statements, and he is absoultely correct. Saying something inappropriate is excusable...a patern of inappropriate comments becomes problematic. That is the problem with low turnover items...they tend to be older. The good news is, it doesn't matter much if it was sealed.
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