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Cool way to store shisha

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I picked up some porcelin cheese crocks at a resale shop for a dollar each. Ms. Scalli stole 3 and left me with the 4 pictured. They come with rubber seal rings which I did not use so as to not get an airtight seal since from what I have read is not good.The beer cap gives you an idea of the size. The bigger crock I used for about 300gr of my dub apple/rose mix. The others have my peach, mint, and I forgot what the other was. I guess time will tell how good an idea it is but they look nice. You can label them on the bottom or wherever too.[img]http://www.scalliwag.com/hookah/crock/HPIM2068.jpg[/img][img]http://www.scalliwag.com/hookah/crock/HPIM2069.jpg[/img][img]http://www.scalliwag.com/hookah/crock/HPIM2070.jpg[/img]
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[quote name='xpimpitox']they look purty my mom would probably steal them and use them for the kitchen if i were to get some haha[/quote] That was why I got more than I knew I would need. I knew ther was no way I could get the all past my wife... and I was right
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There is a indoor fleamarket called "Trader's Market" on Mansfield Hwy. in south Ft. Worth, close to Arlington. Have you ever heard of "Raku" pottery? Check [url="http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&q=raku&btnG=Google+Search&sa=N&tab=wi"]http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&q=ra...rch&sa=N&tab=wi[/url] A couple of friends of mine and their wives are into making it and doing shows. Because of the way it is made they do not hold water but they are more an art piece. I have a really nice vase (not a hookah vase) one of them made me that is absolutely bitch'n looking. They are going to make me something similar to one of these except for extremely unique to store my favorite shisha in. When I get it and post pics I am guessing you guys are going to drool over it Instead of the wire that hold the lid on I think I will get a little more creative. Since it would not be something that would ever leave my study, let alone my house I may rely on gravity to keep the lid down. Click through those images above to get an idea of Raku. It's cool shit. And yes you are right on those crocks being about the cheapest thing you could get for a hookah at least that will last. You could also get those little decals from a craft store and put apples, or whatever you are keeping in them. Handling your shisha this way instead of out of a baggie or plasticware adds a lot more to the atmospere than you first think. It fits much better since so much about the hookah is visual ya know?
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Check this out. I talked to one of my friends that does the Raku. Here is a little jar without a lid, but check out the copper in the glaze. Something like this with a lid on it would be badass [img]http://foltzstory.info/album/albums/200605-May%20Fest/show/mayfest23.jpg[/img]
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[quote name='DizzyGuy']Yes, cheers on the bud select.  BTW, since I work at Target, I decided to price how much those would be... 4 in a set = $19.99[/quote] The best deals are going to be garage sales, resale shops, flea markets. The old ones are really neater to me also.
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[quote name='SiberianKiss']A bad night of experimentation?[/quote] not experimentation, more like a bad night with 1 bottle of honey vodka, that dissapeared in under 10 minutes :D i think most everyone can guess were it went from there....
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[quote name='EvansLight'] not experimentation, more like a bad night with 1 bottle of honey vodka, that dissapeared in under 10 minutes :D i think most everyone can guess were it went from there....[/quote] Damn that could have went anywhere. But all roads lead to the Badlands when you start from there. At least every time I went there.But from what you describe I would think alcohol poisoning? But if you have really crazy friends they could have got their girlfriends to pimp you out with their make-up and drop you off in the parking lot of a gay bar?!?!?!?! HA!!!! Not that I'd ever do that to any of my friends
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