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Refrigerating Shisha & Mixing Stuff In The Water?

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[size=4][color=#000000][font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Hey guys![/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Wondering, does anyone refrigerate their shisha? I usually put my Nakhla double apples in the fridge. Didn't see any ill effects.[/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Also, I heard rumors that mixing milk with the water gives you thicker clouds.. mixing alcohol may give you a buzz.. putting ice cubes makes the smoke fresher..[/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Thoughts?[/font][/color][/size] Edited by Monkeys
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im not sure how refrigerating muassel would do anything better then letting it sit a room temp sealed up, what is the urban legend behind it anyways? Supposed to have longer shelf life or keep flavor longer?
Alcohol in the base really does not give a buzz, just adds to the flavor a bit. Best to just use the alcohol for drinks.
Maybe milk will give bigger clouds, imo it would be a minimal difference compared to a good pack and quality tobacco. Milk really makes a mess and if you don't have the right ratio it can bubble up into your hose making a mess.
That being said, ive done all those thing before, I haven't tried them in several years and get great smoke sessions anyways.

Welcome to HF btw
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Don't know why you would want to refrigerate mu'assel, it really seems like a way to have the condensation turn it into a wet, nasty-tasting item. I don't know of any single variable that can affect the end result more than the moisture balance in the tobacco.

I don't think I would ever put anything that came out of a mammary gland into my nargileh - the whole idea sounds nasty.
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refrigerators naturally dry things out. that is what would happen to the shisha. don't bother
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[quote name='Monkeys' timestamp='1335052829' post='545583']
[color=#000000][font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Hey guys![/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Wondering, does anyone refrigerate their shisha? I usually put my Nakhla double apples in the fridge. Didn't see any ill effects.[/font][/color]
What are the positive effects?
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[quote name='TheScotsman' timestamp='1335067634' post='545594']
I don't think I would ever put anything that came out of a mammary gland into my nargileh - the whole idea sounds nasty.

But letting it coagulate and eating it does not?
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jess <3 you lol.

but yah doing those things is meh but i've done milk it does make a bit more smoke but not a big noticeable difference it would give a more creamy flavor to something that would be good with cream but i did this video for the holidays which was awesome :)


just adding something to the liquid isn't bad just, do not do alcohol
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[quote name='ezxen' timestamp='1335154159' post='545658']
I have the soulution toyour question my freind.

Tangiers gives all that you want .

Were you hacked by a Chinese Tangiers spammer?
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tobacco in the fridge is no buenno. It has no positive effects and generally strips the tobacco of the flavor.

milk in the base greatly increases the likelihood of mold growth in the vase, stem, and hose. I definitely suggest not doing this.

Ice in the base does cool the smoke.. but from my experience it also pulls flavor out of the smoke.

Alcohol in the base adds a weird harshness to the smoke. As if you're taking a shot of liquor (the burn in the back of your throat) To me, it is unpleasant and not worth the money spent on the alcohol. Just have a drink while you smoke if you want an alcohol buzz.
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[quote name='joytron' timestamp='1335154698' post='545659']
[quote name='ezxen' timestamp='1335154159' post='545658']
I have the soulution toyour question my freind.

Tangiers gives all that you want .

Were you hacked by a Chinese Tangiers spammer?


And yeah, as Nate said, I don't do ice to cool the smoke because there is flavor loss typically.
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Don't refrigerate your shisha..nor your coffee. People make this mistake allll the time and it's actually bad for it. It changes the chemistry and destroys the flavor complex (also true with putting beer in a frozen mug ;) don't do it) and now since it's cold, you have to have extra heat time just to get it smoking. You're gonna put a hot fucking coal on it..why the hell would you want it cold? :mellow:

Milk in the vase is just a generally bad idea. It can get into your stem or hose and start to rot depending on how often you smoke/clean your hookah. Imagine the busting out your hookah with your friends and it smells like spoiled milk...just don't do it.

Ice WILL cool your smoke, but like posted above, it takes flavor away, and even with ice, you can still get harshness and hot smoke.

Alcohol in the vase won't do shit. I wasted good vodka once with NO water in the vase, just vodka, and didn't catch a buzz. Plus the flavor sucked. If you want to catch a buzz, get some vodka, schnapps, or rum that will compliment the flavor you are smoking.
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All the research I have done on shisha storage points to refrigeration drying it out as others have said. I store my shisha in bags and then in airtight tupperware which are then stored in a cool dark chest. Many people claim plastic bags will take away the flavor but I have never noticed a difference. Why do I have it in bags and tubberware you ask? Because I split a large order with a friend and my tubberware was still in the mail.... So when I got it I just put the bags in the tubberware... saves cleaning for my lazy ass =) although if that had not been the case I most likely would have skipped the bags.

I agree with the milk spoiling and just generally not being a good idea. As far as alcohol goes I have not noticed a difference in flavor when I have done it, whether it has been flavorless vodka or schnapps of a matching flavor. That being said I have always noticed a difference in buzz from adding alcohol to the base, one that is very different then your traditional hookah buzz. I don't do it often because I find the extra harshness in the smoke to not equal out to the extra enjoyment from the buzz..

I used to always put ice in my vase but it melts so quickly I don't really do it anymore... there are ice hoses out now in a few different forms never tried one myself though.

my 2 cents Edited by followthereaper
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[quote name='joytron' timestamp='1335125730' post='545615']
[quote name='TheScotsman' timestamp='1335067634' post='545594']
I don't think I would ever put anything that came out of a mammary gland into my nargileh - the whole idea sounds nasty.

But letting it coagulate and eating it does not?

MMMMM it sure does! Warm it up to room temp a day or so, contaminate it with some well cultured bacteria, and mix in some dissolved scrapings from a beef calf's stomach, let it coagulate a few hours, mix in some salt, and let it mould on the shelf for for a month or so while the bacteria eats it's share and it's ready.... YUMMY!!!!!!

Man, you got a point, I sure am glad it tastes better than it sounds.
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[quote name='TheScotsman' timestamp='1335468035' post='545995']
[quote name='joytron' timestamp='1335125730' post='545615']
[quote name='TheScotsman' timestamp='1335067634' post='545594']
I don't think I would ever put anything that came out of a mammary gland into my nargileh - the whole idea sounds nasty.

But letting it coagulate and eating it does not?

MMMMM it sure does! Warm it up to room temp a day or so, contaminate it with some well cultured bacteria, and mix in some dissolved scrapings from a beef calf's stomach, let it coagulate a few hours, mix in some salt, and let it mould on the shelf for for a month or so while the bacteria eats it's share and it's ready.... YUMMY!!!!!!

Man, you got a point, I sure am glad it tastes better than it sounds.

Thanks for ruining cheese for me asshole. lol only kidding. yeah when you start to think about how food is processed, you really don't want to eat anything unless you make it or grow it yourself lol
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[quote name='3rooker' timestamp='1335220025' post='545723']
If you want to catch a buzz, get some vodka, schnapps, or rum that will compliment the flavor you are smoking.

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