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why is hookah not addictive?

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mmh..This is a debatable point. But i don't really see hookah as addictive. I mean lots of people smoke it, but who here would say they are addicted? i class addiciton as they feel the need it to funciton properly and would have adverse effects to stopping.I smoke maybe twice a week tops, i dont need it. i can go months without smoking.but shisha (especially unwashed) has a lot more nicotine in that cigarettes. I know there are a lot of things to consider, for example, the ammount smoked in a session, length of session, convenience of smoking, price, "filtration" effect of water.but what are your views?do you agree with the quote it isnt addictive? (obviously, theres always exceptions. there obviously are peolpe around who are addicted to it, but it's rare)
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It Is addictive. Period. End of story. Maybe not as easily habit forming as cigarettes because hookah is not a convenient as a pack of smokes. But rest assured, it is addictive. Although for some reason it seems to be easier to remain a weekly hookah smoker and not become a daily smoker.
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honestly... i think it appeals to a different demographic... my friends that are smokers... shisha doesn't really do it for them, they still have to have a cigarette... and i prefer unwashed tobacco! I don't think it is addictive at all.... but i dont think anything is addictive... i have smoked a few cigarettes in my life... (less than a pack) and i dont find those addictive at all.. i think one gets addicted to things to fill a void in there life.T ime is a constraint also.... i don't have 45-60 minutes to kill every night during the school year.... on the weekends sure... Not even that but i personally never smoke hookah alone.... so to get 2-4 people to all conciously want to smoke it.... well it doesnt happen every day... Etiquette plays a big role in why it isn't addictive... it is considered a social event... its alot easier for a group of people to light up a cigarette together than to spark up a hookah!
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[quote name='Lukasa']It Is addictive.  Period.  End of story.    Maybe not as easily habit forming as cigarettes because hookah is not a convenient as a pack of smokes.  But rest assured, it is addictive.  Although for some reason it seems to be easier to remain a weekly hookah smoker and not become a daily smoker.[/quote] I agree, i think addictive not the word i was intending. habbit forming is probably a better way of putting it.but i dont think hookah is habbit forming or addictive compared to death-sticks (yes, im talking about lightsabers)
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"Cigarettes are for nervous people, competitive people, people on the run. When you smoke a narghile, you have time to think. It teachers you patience, and tolerance, and gives you an appreciation of good company. Narghile smokers have a much more balanced approach to life thean cigarette smokers."I love that quote and it kinda sums it up... cigarette smokes usually use that as a "quick fix" which has alot greater chance of becoming habit forming to the point of chain smoking.
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I've come to the conclusion that you don't get hooked on the shisha itself. I think the atmosphere and the socializing and things like that are what gets you hooked on it, more so than the tobacco.
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[quote name='EvansLight']i dont either. Ive gone 6 months without even thinking about it. Granted when i start craving it i go to all ends to get it, but im that way with all things :D[/quote] I know what you mean.... if i have my mind fixed on ANYTHING i have to get it then and there.... i remember i wanted a new stereo set for my room.... it at 8 pm.... 8:15 i was at a best buy picking up a 5 speaker set.... im pretty compulsive sometimes lol
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I'd say I'm pretty hooked. I smoke anywhere from 1-3 times per day, virtually every day of the week. It's pretty rare that I'll miss a day. You would think I'd be completely, full-blown addicted, comparable to ciggs, but its weird.. Typically a heavy cigg smoker will go through some pretty big withdrawels when quiting, or atleast hasn't gotten their fix in a while. But when I stop smoking for a week+, I definitely wan't to smoke hookah, but I never get the shakes or other cravings a typical cigg smoker gets.So to answer your question, yeah I think I'm hooked on the nicotine, but I have to say the withdrawels arn't nearly as powerful as a cigg smokers withdrawels.Get me?
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I think part of the reason a hookah is less HABIT FORMING is because of the time it takes to set up, pack the bowl, poke your holes in your foil, etc. Tobacco is ADDICTING, as it contains niccotine, which causes addiction.Anything in moderation is the key here I guess.
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Lukasa has it right.[quote name='skimo']i agree with gq, i dont think your really addicted to things i just think its hard to break habbits if that makes sence[/quote]You both are utterly incorrect. Nicotine is extremely addictive - chemically. Nowhere near as much as cocaine - the most addictive drug, but still addictive. You body can become dependant on it. That doesn't mean you will, but it means that depending on your usage you can develop a chemical addition to the substance. That's only half the story as theirs also psychological addiction, which is closer to what your refering to. ANYTHING can be addictive psychologically. If you regularly do something that has a negative impact on your life or if you cannot cease doing so forever at any point - you're an addict.Anyone can become addicted to hookah. I have a friend who was a cigarette smoker who switched to hookah but he smokes just as much hookah as he did cigarettes because he's addicted to nicotine. Don't delude yourself into believing your immune to it - as that is very likely not the case. When using any drug you should understand the risks and be mindful of it's negative effects. If you can't give it up on your own, you should seek help from others. Smoking anything is terrible for you. Period. Smoking something with Nicotine in it is more dangerous due to the addictive nature of Nicotine.Hookah may not be as easy to setup but that doesn't mean it has any less possibility to create an addiction - it merely means it will take more of your time if you do develop one. The time it takes to set up doesn't prepare your body to fight addiction. I believe it actually fosters addiction because of the ritual involved - rituals are sets of activities you perform regularly. The more of a pattern involved the more of a chance for your brain to hook itself on that ritual - especially since a positive stimulated feeling is the general result of usage. Our brains feed on patterns - that's how we work. We look for patterns in everything.The social situation plays into it as well - if you use hookah socially as well as alone it can only foster ones need for it. Our brains like positive experiences. They help reenforce behaviors and patterns. Social activity is a natural thing for people to enjoy so connecting that to hookah can also help increase it's addictive potential.I'm not saying that these events are likely - I just want people to realize the reality of the situation. If you really disagree with what I'm saying you need to chickity-check yo self befo you wreck yo self. Hookah is addictive. Smoking is bad for you. We choose to do so anyways. We choose to participate anyways because it's something we enjoy - and in moderation most people will avoid problems - but the potential to develop probems exist. When you start telling yourself otherwise, your fostering problems for yourself.
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i've never felt the "need" to smoke but i get cravings for sure. i never smoke alone either. at the most, i smoke 3 times a week, 2 bowls per session. as mentioned before in this thread, i wouldn't have the time to be addicted to shisha whenever the average bowl lasts 45 minutes+.
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lately i been smoking a lot which is why i am gonna cut down when school starts i wont have the time really to smoke as much as i have lately. my friends have also been wanting to come over and smoke everyday. I have all the good flavors so we end up smoking at my place. i can easily not smoke i did so for 2 years prior to getting my new hookah recently. we all know the consequences of smoking yet we do so anyways because its our adult choice. ohh and wufabufa put it right i dont feel the need but i do get cravings like i have right now. its all these new flavors im constantly getting and i just have to try them out at least once before not smoking for the rest of the week. (just got 50g of romman strawberry awaiting tangiers blueberry any minute now).
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Umm, whats the differance between "need" and "craving". Lets not kid ourselves, when I smoked hookah lots I stared to get hooked and craved tobacco, then I realized this and quit for a while and don't smoke as much anymore. The nicotine in the tobacco for hookahs and the nicotine in cigarettes is identical, so it is equally adictive.
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yes but quantity is different. look at caffeine, many peolpe drink a cup of tae or coffee a day and don't suffer from chemical addiction, but those who drink several cups usually do end up with chemical addiction because of the quantities. an average stock head holds 7 - 10g. lets call it 10g. only about 30% of that is tobacco, so in an average stock head, you only smoke about 3g of tobacco. so that 1.5mg of nicotine in one head of washed shisha. bearing in mind we also don't know how much nicotine is actually extracted from the tobacco in hookah smoking (because it doesn't burn as hot and leaves a lot of remains)
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I agree, if you get less nicotine, then you are less likely to get addicted, but that is quite differant than "not addictive" Also, I read posts where people say they don't "need" tobacco, but just "crave" it. It sounds like these people are kidding themselves and are really addicted. Not that I am judging, I love hookah.
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[quote name='MrGuy']yes but quantity is different. look at caffeine, many peolpe drink a cup of tae or coffee a day and don't suffer from chemical addiction, but those who drink several cups usually do end up with chemical addiction because of the quantities. an average stock head holds 7 - 10g. lets call it 10g. only about 30% of that is tobacco, so in an average stock head, you only smoke about 3g of tobacco. so that 1.5mg of nicotine in one head of washed shisha. bearing in mind we also don't know how much nicotine is actually extracted from the tobacco in hookah smoking (because it doesn't burn as hot and leaves a lot of remains)[/quote] You might wanna rethink your idea about the amount of people with chemical addictions to caffiene (sp?). With places like Coffee Bean and Starbucks around, a lot of peoples' daily intakes are around 3 shots of expresso a day if they keep it to just one drink. I have MANY friends that get headaches and such when they forego their coffee for a day.
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[quote]Also, I read posts where people say they don't "need" tobacco, but just "crave" it. It sounds like these people are kidding themselves and are really addicted.[/quote]You got it. It's interesting how people choose words for such things. Generally speaking if you are addicted you may not even realize it. That's why addiction is so hard. Your brain has decided that everything is okay, while the reality may be the opposite. You can be doing something seemingly under your control when in fact, you aren't. Many people can say, 'I smoke, but I'm not addicted.' - it may very well be true. But the facts don't always bare that out. It's very easy to make excuses for any kind of problem.Caffine addiction is a huge problem as well. I have family members and know many people as well who act like shitheads in the morning if they don't get their coffee. And they supposedly 'can't start the day' without caffine. It's true to a certain extent, but one is certainly better off without that need. But we live in a strange world with some highly addictive legal drugs and some non-addictive illegal drugs. Quite a strange world indeed.
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[quote name='frontmanpb101']if only we could start the day with some non-addictive illegal drug! :-p  i have enough trouble staying awake by 3rd period after a pepsi and 20 oz. of lipton bottled tea.[/quote] Heh ur not alone. I've been known to fall asleep on 2+ hour drives that I begin with a quad-shot (4 shots of expresso) White Mocha from Starbucks... don't drink coffee that often either (only once every 3 weeks or so)
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[quote name='Claytron'][quote]Also, I read posts where people say they don't "need" tobacco, but just "crave" it. It sounds like these people are kidding themselves and are really addicted.[/quote]You got it. It's interesting how people choose words for such things. Generally speaking if you are addicted you may not even realize it. That's why addiction is so hard. Your brain has decided that everything is okay, while the reality may be the opposite. You can be doing something seemingly under your control when in fact, you aren't. Many people can say, 'I smoke, but I'm not addicted.' - it may very well be true. But the facts don't always bare that out. It's very easy to make excuses for any kind of problem.Caffine addiction is a huge problem as well. I have family members and know many people as well who act like shitheads in the morning if they don't get their coffee. And they supposedly 'can't start the day' without caffine. It's true to a certain extent, but one is certainly better off without that need. But we live in a strange world with some highly addictive legal drugs and some non-addictive illegal drugs. Quite a strange world indeed.[/quote] I both agree with you and i don't.I know many people who claim they don't 'need' something; but they 'want' or 'crave' it; and then if they're forced to go without they can't function.Thats an addict, as true to definition as possible.I used to drink gallons of soda and coffee a day. I calculated my average intake at about 900mg a day.and then i stopped. on my 17th birthday i gave it up.I assumed i was addicted, would go through withdrawl, etc.and nothing. literally, i gave up caffiene cold turkey and nobody said I was moody (i asked!) i never 'craved' one, and for 6 months i did not touch caffiene. Even now, i drink maybe a glass of coke a day if that, and coffee is like once a week if someone wants to meet for it.but i know many many people who cannot function without it, i just don't know why i didn't have withdrawl symptoms.
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[quote name='Claytron']Lukasa has it right.  [quote name='skimo'] i agree with gq, i dont think your really addicted to things i just think its hard to break habbits if that makes sence[/quote]You both are utterly incorrect. Nicotine is extremely addictive - chemically. Nowhere near as much as cocaine - the most addictive drug, but still addictive. You body can become dependant on it. That doesn't mean you will, but it means that depending on your usage you can develop a chemical addition to the substance. That's only half the story as theirs also psychological addiction, which is closer to what your refering to. ANYTHING can be addictive psychologically. If you regularly do something that has a negative impact on your life or if you cannot cease doing so forever at any point - you're an addict.Anyone can become addicted to hookah. I have a friend who was a cigarette smoker who switched to hookah but he smokes just as much hookah as he did cigarettes because he's addicted to nicotine. Don't delude yourself into believing your immune to it - as that is very likely not the case. When using any drug you should understand the risks and be mindful of it's negative effects. If you can't give it up on your own, you should seek help from others. Smoking anything is terrible for you. Period. Smoking something with Nicotine in it is more dangerous due to the addictive nature of Nicotine.Hookah may not be as easy to setup but that doesn't mean it has any less possibility to create an addiction - it merely means it will take more of your time if you do develop one. The time it takes to set up doesn't prepare your body to fight addiction. I believe it actually fosters addiction because of the ritual involved - rituals are sets of activities you perform regularly. The more of a pattern involved the more of a chance for your brain to hook itself on that ritual - especially since a positive stimulated feeling is the general result of usage. Our brains feed on patterns - that's how we work. We look for patterns in everything.The social situation plays into it as well - if you use hookah socially as well as alone it can only foster ones need for it. Our brains like positive experiences. They help reenforce behaviors and patterns. Social activity is a natural thing for people to enjoy so connecting that to hookah can also help increase it's addictive potential.I'm not saying that these events are likely - I just want people to realize the reality of the situation. If you really disagree with what I'm saying you need to chickity-check yo self befo you wreck yo self. Hookah is addictive. Smoking is bad for you. We choose to do so anyways. We choose to participate anyways because it's something we enjoy - and in moderation most people will avoid problems - but the potential to develop probems exist. When you start telling yourself otherwise, your fostering problems for yourself.[/quote] alright maybe i chose my words incorectly..... PERSONALLY i know i would never get addicted to it... i have my stupid little phases where i get hooked on things... even non addictive things! Honestly... i think will power is a huge factor.... personally i dont see how smoking anything is addictive and ive smoked a few cigarettes in rez... it repulses me... Shisha again i can't afford the addiction... not money wise but time, i cant afford the time associated with it.... believe it or not Claytron... there are people out there that are significantley less likley to get addicted to things..... PERSONALLY i can drop any habit i form... If my dr. told me to stop smoking tommorrow... i love it, but i would have noo problem dropping it then and there... and I think there are more people out there like me.You want scientific proof fine. Chemical dependancies form at different rates for different people... this is because chemical dependancies evolve faster for people that have lower levels of neurotransmitters...Smoking anything is bad I agree... but alot of things are ... even eat can be "bad"... moderation is KEY....live happy be active... smoking a bit of shisha every once in a while won't kill you...Cheers
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