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2 coals is too little, 3 is too many!!!

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I have nakhla double apple, and my problem is as stated in the title. 2 coals produces very little smoke, 3 fixes the smoke problem but burns the shisha and also burns my throat. How do I fix this?(I use quick lighting coals, I dont know what the brand is, but the name starts with Al and the 2nd word starts with M.)
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Either lean the third coal up onto another coal or slide one of to the side of the bowl a bit more. Or try bigger holes with two coals or smaller or less holes with three. There are a lot of ways to spank a monkey
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Break the coals up. With quicklights it's messy both when breaking them up and for ashing, but some tobacco brands don't work with exactly 1, 2 or 3 coals. I'm surprised you can't get it to smoke correctly with 2 coals though because unless you have a gigantic head, that should be more than enough heat. Are you sure when using 2 coals that they're fully lit and red all over? Maybe you're just not giving them enough time to heat up the bowl and by the time the third gets put on, it's way too much heat?
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[quote name='babbagandu']I have nakhla double apple, and my problem is as stated in the title. 2 coals produces very little smoke, 3 fixes the smoke problem but burns the shisha and also burns my throat. How do I fix this?  (I use quick lighting coals, I dont know what the brand is, but the name starts with Al and the 2nd word starts with M.)[/quote] Another thing you can try is using a hookah wind protector. Put 2 coals on and them put the wind protector on to get an oven effect. I know a few friends that use this method and it works quite well.
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^^Thats what I do.Basically I light two coals and while they get the bowl cooking i have the cover on.The second the bowl starts to get a little bit too hot i raise the cover and it smokes great.As the coals die, put the cover back on and it cooks again. (this is when I'd begin lighting a new coal)
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[quote name='Calcartman']^^Thats what I do.Basically I light two coals and while they get the bowl cooking i have the cover on.The second the bowl starts to get a little bit too hot i raise the cover and it smokes great.As the coals die, put the cover back on and it cooks again. (this is when I'd begin lighting a new coal)[/quote] yupp i do the same with my natural coals... worked really well...
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[quote name='MN Hookah']the coals we have on our site are pretty good we use them all the time 2 of those is plenty and the new bigger diamter coals we have are awesome and you only need to use 1.  check us out mnhookah.com[/quote] The 3 kings charcoal you guys have is overpriced($20 for a box) and the other charcoal ive never seen before anywhere, so i dont know how good or bad they are. your website still needs a little work due to missing images. Regardless though, welcome to the hookah forums.
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