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Tangiers Blue Gum Ball Review

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Never having tried Tangiers before I decided I would give it a run. Big props to [b]Algoshnia[/b] for sending me a free sample. Seeing that I don't like to smoke straight flavors that much I mixed it with Layalina Watermelon.[img]http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g164/jewstin248/Random/DSCN0629.jpg[/img]Tangiers Blue Gum Ball + Layalina Watermelon:Setup: 1 Three Kings QL + MYA Acrylic + Watermelon Kool-Aid in the bottom.[b]Cut[/b]: Different than what I have seen, but I liked it.[b]Smell & Flavor:[/b] Smell is very strong, but smells good. And the flavor tasted alot like bubblegum.[b](9/10)[/b][b]Buzz[/b]: very good buzz going from it. i enjoyed the relaxtion very much. [b](10/10)[/b][b]Thickness[/b]: Decently thick smoke, after I threw another QL on top of the previous one it was hitting amazing [b](10/10)[/b][b]Flavor of smoke[/b]: Stayed along and kept strong for 1:30 hours with 3 coals on in total by the end. [b](9/10)[/b][b]Overall[/b]: 10/10 Very impressed.[img]http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g164/jewstin248/Random/DSCN0628.jpg[/img][img]http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g164/jewstin248/Random/DSCN0631.jpg[/img]
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i've been trying to leave space between foil and shisha because the sizzle i hear when i put the coal on always makes me think that it's burning (still pretty new at this) i'll try a bowl packed with lots and see how it goes. when would you say you add the second coal?<wanders off to look for where to buy tangiers blue gumball shisha and a mya acrylic>
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updates with some videos. couldn't do much with the poor lighting in my room:[url="http://s56.photobucket.com/albums/g164/jewstin248/?action=view¤t=DSCN0638.flv"][img]http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g164/jewstin248/th_DSCN0638.jpg[/img][img]http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g164/jewstin248/th_DSCN0636.jpg[/img][img]http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g164/jewstin248/th_DSCN0635.jpg[/img][/url]
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Yeah despite my tired lungs I just pushed a bowl of Tangiers Apricot mixed with Al Fakher Apricot and it was damn heavenly. I packed it over the rim and wrapped the foil right overtop... didn't leave so much of a bulge but it's more than I usually allow to touch the foil and it smoked very well. I will definitely be doing more of this in the future.
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[quote name='novicafe']yes just slightly. its better because you get more, and it just takes a few extra hits to get it hitting very good.[/quote] I'm trying this right now. I've been really curious about smoking with foil, and someone corrected me about using it with the hookah (it's not really dangerous kids! it's the meth mixing with the aluminum, it turns out, that gives you "tin" or "meth" mouth), so I'm trying new things out. You're right, so far it's taking a few more hits, but I can definetely tell it's going to smoke better and hit thicker...if I can get it started....EDIT: Hrm. The top of my hookah is smoking happily (not always a good thing) and the thing isn't hitting good. Either I need to try it with better, more airtight hoses, or I did something wrong. In any case...I think I may just try again another day, it's gettin late.
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Yeah that's what usually happens to me, the smoke coming out of the bowl and slightly harsh smoke. Worked for me last night though. And actually it was hitting good within the first 1-2 hits. What tobacco were you using?
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thats it im gonna smoke and smoke in one sitting until i can get it down!!!! yea id be sick to my stomach and be outta shisha in that case
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