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"zombie" Attack In Miami

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........crazy shit, dude eating another dudes face off.....literally, probubly just drugs.....lots and lots of drugs

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i've been told he was on LSD. it happened not too far from where i live during the school year. within like a 15-20 minute drive
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Corners reports cited "excited delerium". Has anyone else seen that this is the second such attack in a month though?
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Reports from this attack and from a few of the previous attackers (this is the fifth of several attacks, I believe) state that it's some new "Bad LSD" that's been popping up in the region. If that's the case, I'm afraid it's only a matter of time before that crap gets around a bit.
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[quote name='ChicagoRSX' timestamp='1338303506' post='548182']
Corners reports cited "excited delerium". Has anyone else seen that this is the second such attack in a month though?

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[color=#000000][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][left]"When the officer approached him, told him to stop, pointed a gun at him, he turned around and growled like a wild animal and kept eating at the man's face,"[/left][/size][/font][/color]
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This is an example of the small mindedness of our officials. "it had to be drugs cause there is no such things as zombies". This is how it starts and you will see more I am sure.Anyone that does not heed science fiction or horror should put there Tablet (star trek)down, get on their cell phone (star trek) and order a ride on a submarine (Jules Verne) before big brother (1984) stops them with the vast network of computers that are all knowing and always listening (sky-net terminator)
I'm just saying!!!
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3,4-Methylenedioxypyrovalerone seems to be the initial suspect compound. exceedingly nasty crap to put into one's being. What is with people these days?
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[quote name='SaintPendulous' timestamp='1338328321' post='548221']
[quote name='ChicagoRSX' timestamp='1338303506' post='548182']
Corners reports cited "excited delerium". Has anyone else seen that this is the second such attack in a month though?


I agree fully, just makes me laugh that "excited delirium" is an actual medical diagnosis. Whole thing seems very 28 days later-ish.
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[quote name='Twitchy' timestamp='1338412015' post='548307']
scary shit... glad canada doesnt have zombies..
I hear they're moving north. Apparently they decompose slower in cooler temps.
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Tis true... In The Walking Dead comics, Rick and gang have a much easier time in the winter months, because the zombies move at a much slower rate. Still is a bitch dealing with the cold and snow and ice and shit, though.
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[quote name='gramps' timestamp='1338412305' post='548308']
[quote name='Twitchy' timestamp='1338412015' post='548307']
scary shit... glad canada doesnt have zombies..
I hear they're moving north. Apparently they decompose slower in cooler temps.

But when they freeze solid, they can be collected up like cordwood, and disposed of.

Or the damn mosquitos and wood ticks will eat them - lot of those sonabitches this year.
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[quote name='gramps' timestamp='1338412305' post='548308']
[quote name='Twitchy' timestamp='1338412015' post='548307']
scary shit... glad canada doesnt have zombies..
I hear they're moving north. Apparently they decompose slower in cooler temps.

LOL!!!! i was reading more about this, and police said there's bad LSD going around and another guy who supposely did it took off all his clothes they said the acid makes you supoer hot like your melting from the inside,... the guy got hit by a car and the police were trying to help him / bring him in tasered him twice and i think there was liek 10 cops on him... and he still managed to steal a baton lOL i think it was in miami to

and i read in hackensack?! new jersey or something in the last 10 days some guy was stabbing his stomach ripped out his intestines and threw them at police...............................
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iv seen ideas that they are more like "The Crazies" still tho this stuff is starting to get really creepy really fast.
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[quote name='headhunter' timestamp='1338493478' post='548369']

iv seen ideas that they are more like "The Crazies" still tho this stuff is starting to get really creepy really fast.

I Agree, ited be really easy for the government to just pass these off as bad drug trips when there's really something going on

......and also the Irony of "Headhunter" commenting on a Zombie Forum Topic is not lost on me
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Just so's long as they're shambling and not fast moving zombies.

I just heard about this today. Hmmm Richard matheson and George Romero may have had something there ...,

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
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[quote name='SaintPendulous' timestamp='1338499227' post='548377']
[quote name='headhunter' timestamp='1338493478' post='548369']

iv seen ideas that they are more like "The Crazies" still tho this stuff is starting to get really creepy really fast.

I Agree, ited be really easy for the government to just pass these off as bad drug trips when there's really something going on

......and also the Irony of "Headhunter" commenting on a Zombie Forum Topic is not lost on me

lol well if this for some reason is even poss (and its not lol) then well that'll be my job :P
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AAAAAAAAAAAANNNNND NOW some dude was throwing HIS OWN INTESTINES at the cops.....

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