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Pimp Your Hookah

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Last time I checked, PYH seemed to be the cheapest/best deal on buying two 250g tubs of AA/AF shisha, even after shipping. I think I'm gonna make an order from these guys, and I was wondering if they have a discount code for forum members?And sorry if this was already asked, I hvaen't been on the forums in a few days.
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I can't imagine him discounting any more off of those prices. They are already heavily discounted, and his profit margin is already very low. But I dunno. Maybe he'll see this post and speak up.
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haha, mush, i'd rather get some free ma'assel. chances are, it'll ship within a week right? im shipping it to seattle, where i have family visiting. they'll bring it back to canada for me, but they're leaving seattle on the 7th i think. hmm, AF Grape, AF Cherry, AA Caramel Apple - how does that sound?
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Yes, possibility of freebies is always a great thing! I'm personally just happy with the prices, but that doesn't stop me from hoping that I find something extra in my order next tuesday ;)EDIT: They usually ship the next business day, from what I understand.Money order for what?
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AF Gold for 9.50?! I mean the Al Amir is a buck cheaper then southsmoke.com, where I usually get my tobacco from, but still that AF is crazy! I'll stick to southsmoke for the Al Amir since there's reward points :P I can now get a free box of Al Amir and some accessories, lol
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Done and done.CAF Cherry Al Fakher 250g 1 $7.50 $7.50 CAF60 Cola Al Fakher 250g 1 $7.50 $7.50 GAF Grapes Al Fakher 250g 1 $7.50 $7.50 FS Foil Screen 2 $0.25 $0.50  Shipping: U.S.P.S Ground: $7.00  Sales Tax: $0.00  Total: $30.00 Gonna try out the foil screens too. Hopefully the order gets to my relatives by the end of the week so they're able to bring it for me!
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