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New Hookah Website

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Hey guys we are a new site if you wanna check us out , we will beat any price for the same hookahs we have , we are selling them for cheaper than every other site ive seen , we also are getting new shipments everyday and are updating our site everyday so keep your eyes peeled.Today we just got in a large sized hookah the bottom of it lights up when you inhale the smoke its pretty sweet we should have that one up on our site tommorrow afternoon sometime.Our site is www.mnhookah.com check us out If you have any questions we have contacts on the site thanks everyone .-Minnesota Hookah"MN hookah will hook you up"www.mnhookah.com
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WELCOME!Good to have you on board..well..the board. As a Vendor you may want to to read the posts stickied to the top of this section called "our constitution" and "read this" There are specific rules for vendors posting here. A few key points are, while self promotion is ok to announce yourselves, let us know about sales and specials, and to give general information, constant posts about "we have that cheaper" and "we recommend our....." everytime people are asking general questions is not ok.Using puppet accounts or having employees or friends come on and talk about "discovering" your site or talking about how great it is without identifying themselves as being affiliated with your site will not be tolerated.You WILL be expected to participate in the general discussion about hookahs and smoking. We aren't just a free advertising site. Some vendors have created known personal accounts for joining in the general discussion and to seperate themselves from their business personas.Other than that, we hope you enjoy your stay.
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Welcome! As mushrat said, we do encourage (read: require) you to be active on the forum if you plan to use it for advertising purposes. The site looks good otherwise. Welcome again!
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Hey everyone, first off I want to say thanks to everyone for their comments, and maybe put in a small word for defense of ourselves :). The website aspect of our business is very new as of now (only registered the domain name 2 days ago) and we pretty much hit the ground running knowing that some type of presence on the web was better then none at all. As for the small images in such that is the project for tonight here, making all the pictures clickable to enlarge. As to the amount of products themselves we will get more pictures edited and up tonight of all our current stock, I won't sleep tonight til it is (props to energy drinks on that). As to the comment on the charcoal price, it was never at 20.99, and it is sold by the box not the roll with no profit being made on outrageous shipping prices, what I pay at the post office is what you pay for shipping.And again thanks for all the comments so far, and please please feel free to chip in more!Scott M.- MN Hookah
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[quote name='MN Hookah'] As to the comment on the charcoal price, it was never at 20.99, and it is sold by the box not the roll with no profit being made on outrageous shipping prices,Scott M.- MN Hookah[/quote] You may wanna look into new suppliers then... PYH sells them by the box for $12.95 and I'm pretty sure he'd have no problem with me going and picking them up in person since we frequent the same lounge... Oh and you're right... your price is $20.00 for a box of 3 Kings
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Price will be updated shortly sorry for the inconvenience and we do offer free shipping locally we are trying to update our site with all of our products as soon as possible keep checking back for updates. Prices will be competitive and in alot of cases cheaper than what other people sell products for,we are working on the site please give us feedback thank you all so much.Tarik A.-MN Hookah
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Yeah, sorry, the point of that post was to further discuss our site and the updates coming, not to burn any bridges, just to build them and network with others out there. Especially when were based out of a state with 3 Hookah bars in the metro area, or even the state..., we rely on word of mouth and we do and always strive to bring you low prices, not only on the accessories, but also on the Hookahs themselves. Thanks again guys, not only for checking us out, but giving us feedback. -Scott M. MN Hookah
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Yah the light up one actually works pretty well, I tested one of our showcase ones out and it worked pretty well, we include the batteries for you and the lights actually light up every time you inhale and it changes about 5 different colors and it lights up the smoke in the vase of the hookah its pretty nice caught a lot of attention, I definitely liked it, the smoke was very good.We will have pictures up tommorrow for sure we are going to get larger images as well check it out thanks again.
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ok, a few comments from an old guy, while "partner in crime" may bea cool handle for you guys, may not send the right messge for folks who are going to be sending you MONEY. Think professional, you are up against some very slick sites and some very established businesses. Ditch the blurry gansta pictures and let us SEE who you are.. my $.02
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Will do, thanks for the comments once again! The are greatly appreciated and help us with our design and layout. As to the gangster part, I hardly think that me looking, well imbalanced, on a castle in Europe is gangster lol . I do see what you're talking about though, but the thing we debated was pictures or no pictures for the site. I have yet to find one of those slicker sites with pictures on them. I mean what do you guys think? Pics or no pics? We have nothing to hide, and we want to make it more personable, heck if you want to give me call to discuss products, prices etc just PM me and I'll get you my cell!If you have any other questions/comments on the site, please please please keep 'em coming!Thanks everyone-Scott M. MN Hookah
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