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Herbal Shisha + Liquid Nicotine?

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Hey guys, kind of new to hookah and very new to this forum!

I'm wondering if anyone has every tried adding liquid nicotine to herbal shisha before, and if it effects the taste at all.

I see that in Canada smoking tobbacco is illegal in buisness/public places, however it seems the law is against tobbacco only, and not nicotine itself. Would it be some what of a loop hole to have a herbal shisha bar, with the ability to add liquid nicotine to a bowl as an option?
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the nicotine liquid is not supposed to be smoked, if your talking about the gel you can rub into your hands its not recomended. it has other chemicals in it that i would not add heat to. plus tons of canadians buy tobacco from the US and smoke once our buddy ty chims in you can find out more about getting your tobacco across the border
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Buying tobacco shisha is not the problem, I've done it several times now - I'm talking about bypassing the public smoking ban (IE in resturaunts, hookah lounges, etc) since the law is against smoking tobacco, not herbal shisha, or herbal shisha with nicotine added, just tobbacco.

Is there a way to add nicotine to herbal shisha, without using actual tobbacco? IE liquid form. is it possible?
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If you want a nicotine hit that will make your head swim, try double-barreling two of these -
[url="http://www.getsnus.com/en/snus/GetSnus_Strong_Portion_Snus-282/Odens%20Extreme,%20Strong%20Portion-33556/"]http://www.getsnus.c... Portion-33556/[/url]

You'd be doing 44mg of nicotine straight into your system. You'll have to really try hard to get that kind of hit from smoking a hookah. :D
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Hey Doc, I'm the Ty that Pavo was talking about. I'm not sure what your intent for getting around the smoking ban is? It's not illegal to smoke in public places (unless there is a sign up explicitly saying it), however, it is illegal to smoke indoors in public places. Are you asking because you want to open up a lounge and want to bypass the smoking ban? Do you want to take your hookah to public places and smoke? Or are you just curious?

As others have noted, it's incredibly dangerous. Even If you manage to get the proper stuff to do it safely, it's still a matter of dosage.

Maybe I'm old fashioned, but what's so wrong with smoking tobacco? If you're in it for the buzz, try Nirvana Super Shisha, apparently that stuff is like getting dropkicked in the face.
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