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hey guys, im on the brink of purchasing a stargate rotator... but i wanna know what you all think of it! i read the reviews and they were reallhy helpful, but the reason im posting is b/c the reviews didn't shed light on how it actually smokes... most were just design reviews.... now i read somewhere the pull is tight... im looking for a hookah that can produce thick thick smoke and that is fairly durable.... Now my other thing is how are the hoses and i read up on rotaters on the forum and a problem with the stem not being long enough... i hope thats not the case with the stargate! and how well does it rotate btw... and does it look good in mid darkness? lastley do YOU PERSONALLY think its worth buying... or should i spend my $109 else where?Thanks for any insight
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[quote name='unleashtheclown']from what ive heard either get a mya, or a different rotator. Stargates are chinese, cheaply made crap that wont last very long, they also look really cheap imo[/quote] are you basing this on rumour or do you actually have a friend that owns a stargate and wasnt satisfyed with it? See i dunno b/c even at the arab stores around here in Toronto they sell i think 26 inch stargate knockoffs for like $300.... thanks alot for your input tho!and novi your stargates are hitting well? any complaints?
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I love the looks of the stargate. If they survive a lounge environment, especially a busy on like Novi and only end up with a problem that is easy to fix with a little epoxy they sound good to me. The base is wide at the bottom so it looks more stable than most hookahs too.
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[quote name='DizzyGuy']I haven't gotten the tracking info...  But I'm sure I could get it if I asked, but I figured I'd wait a few more days for my hookah to show up first[/quote] did they send you anything after you paid via paypal? and how long has it been??
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I got a paypal reciept... and I probably would have gotten something from them, but I e-mailed them my info first and asked if they had gotten it and I got a quick response that they had. I only ordered on the 20th at 11 PM so they didn't even see it till the 21st
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If yours is getting mailed that fast... that means mine really is about here :D I'm hoping tomorrow... but I'm half expecting Monday... so it'll be like Christmas for me! I have two netflix movies coming tomorrow... Hookah coming soon, 500 g of shisha and some coals and stuff tuesday, another package from someone soon too. Yay stuff!
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haha man... i love getting that UPS feeling... everyday is like that suspense... will i get it... haha this is gonna be my last hookah for a little while... i just bought the nemesis a month or so ago.... i become the worlds biggest tracker nazi... i check it like 3 or 4 times a day! im so excited to get this hahaCheers!
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Again, I have one, I smoke with it everyday once or twice. I clean it and I try to take care of it. Everyday, I am having a new problem with it. It smokes better than a low end one, but it is not worth the $$$ I spend in it. IT RUSTS in several parts. :(
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