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What Breeds Hatred?


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When asked at checkout if anything was wrong with his room, a guest told me, "Well, everything!" I asked him if he could be more specific, and he told me in the most offensive way possible (I'm not going to dare repeat it), that it was because of the color of the guy's skin who checked him in. I just stared at him, speechless, and placed his receipt on the counter. I seriously can't wrap my head around how it's 2012 and we still have people so full of senseless hatred around.

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Was the guest a young person or older person? I've been hoping that over time the hatred and racism would die out with the older generation, that we'd come to realize that we all need each other. If he was young, that's an indication to me that we haven't reached the goal yet. So sad.

Politicians like to pit one group against another because it's easier to hate a group than an individual. That tactic has worked throughout history. They want us divided. We're easier to control when we're focused on hating a group and not paying attention to what our "leaders" are up to. I would like to think that most people have figured that out, but apparently we still have some who will believe anything their television tells them.

Off-topic: What I can't stand when I'm staying in a motel is somebody turning off the air conditioner while I'm at work. Why do they do that?!? Don't they see my stuff and know I'm coming back? I come in tired and sweaty, only to find a room that's about 90 degrees.
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He was in his 40s, white dude of course. Unfortunately I have witnessed much younger people behave the same way, more or less.

I agree with your theory of them wanting to keep us divided to make it easier to control us.

This is really bothering me, because little does that guy know the people I work with are the BEST people I have ever worked with. I worked at a hotel in my hometown with nothing but white people because the owner was racist and they were all the scum of the earth in comparison.
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[quote name='gramps' timestamp='1344198294' post='553408']
Let me guess, is your boss named Patel? I travel all the time and some of the best hosts are "not from around here". I'm glad they're here now.

You're correct. And I agree- in my opinion, "Americans" can be more sleazy when it comes to business than the "foreigners."

I put that in quotations because my boss is actually an American citizen. He was born and raised in London and has been here for over 30 years. When people come in and ask me, "Is this hotel American owned?" I tell them "Yes, why yes it is." ;)
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I'm staying in an American-owned place tomorrow night. The people there are so uncooperative they're downright hateful. It's down in Baldwin County - redneck Riviera territory. I've stayed there the last three weeks. The first week when I asked for the same room for the second week, they said, no, that room is already taken. Oh, I asked on a Tuesday. Who the hell besides me reserves a room by number? A tourist? If I'm going to be somewhere several weeks, I like having the same room with the same bed, same pillows, and same layout. It becomes like a second home. Tourists don't care about stuff like that.

In a couple of weeks I'll be staying with a Mr. Patel in Lanett, AL. He remembers my name even before I check in, asks about the family and even remembers my girlfriend's name.
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I'm sorry they aren't more accommodating at the hotel in Baldwin County. It's not hard at all to ensure a guest gets a certain room number if they're a regular. Our hotel is very much like the one you stay at often in Lanett, AL in that regard. I can think of three people right off the top of my head that stay with us almost every week and we always make sure to get them the same room, every time. Like you said, it's going that extra distance that really makes a difference.
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I think more than anything hatred is caused by fear. It seems that almost everyone who actively feels that hatred and bigotry is afraid. They don't feel comfortable in their own skin. They feel (rightly or wrongly) that they're somehow outsiders. By espousing hatred they feel like they do fit in with the haters. So it takes away their personal fear of not fitting in and of being an outsider in their own lives. Being a part of a hate group is easy because you don't have to be thin, or rich, or pretty, or anything else. You just have to hate.

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I agree with Rani, ignorance and fear are the parents of hatred. My girlfriend's dad are so racist, it honestly won't surprise me if he gets shot one day for dropping the N bomb on someone or some other slur. He's ignorant, insecure, and afraid other people might actually be better than him (which doesn't take a lot of effort), so he hides behind fear and hate. I can't stand being around him because every time he sees someone of another race or ethnicity, he speaks what's on his pathetically small and closed mind.
My own father is a lot like that too, but he's not racist, he's a religious supremacist (thinks that Baptists are better than any other religion and also believes he's a modern day prophet--yeah I know he's f*cking psycho). My father is also scared other people are better than him, so he hides behind his religion and uses it to make himself feel better about being an abject failure as a father and a human being.
I've been all around the world--Canada, the United Arab Emirates, Kenya, Tanzania, France, and Ireland. Some say that stupidity and closed-mindedness is peculiar to America, but it's really not. There were stupid people in all those countries, but they were definitely the anomalies in their respective nations, just as they are here in America.
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It's really simple, just one word... evilness.

Look at the murderous-jackass shooting up a Sikh temple. Pure evil/hatred, and a person so damn stupid he couldn't tell a Sikh from a Muslim. Some vendetta against Muslims, or seemingly anyone that didn't fit the neo-nazi mould, sent him into a Sikh temple. I have worked with many Sikh's overseas, personally, I can't think of a more tolerant, accepting, and non-judgmental religion. The typical Sikh temple welcomes anyone, more than happily would have fed him, helped find housing, mental help, all the things allot of christian churches claim is needed, but fail to do.

Hatred is just another word for evil in action. - It affects us all in one way or another, we have to learn to recognize and eliminate it from our lives. Likely never to be successful, but we need to work toward it.

On a bit lighter note, it sure proved the wonder-nine is a pretty useless piece of crap.
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He still killed six people, I wouldn't call it useless...I'd just call the cop's vest a technological marvel and the cop himself a BAMF for taking 9 shots point blank and living.

Some wisdom from Master Yoda: Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.

Looking at instances of genocide or widespread hatred or bigotry, it pretty much all follows Master Yoda's model.
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Too much this:

Not enough this:
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[quote name='joytron' timestamp='1344463317' post='553653']
Too much this:

Not enough this:

LOL..... Strange as it may seem, I think this is actually true. Nobody, and I mean nobody, is having any fun anymore. There's all this pressure to conform, to climb a ladder of success that really means absolutely nothing because you certainly can't take it with you to the grave, outlawing or taxing tobacco, natural recreational substances, salt bad, meat bad, sex bad, loud music bad, tobacco bad, bad, bad, bad...... All the fun and the joy and the enthusiasm is being taken out of life. We've become so "civilized" that we're not enjoying life itself anymore. Remove the fun and all you have left is blame and depression and whining, oh my god, the whining coming out of people's mouth these days........

That's it..... I'm officially declaring myself Queen of the World and here are my rules:
1) Crank up (the music),
2) Open up (a bottle);
3) Light up (whatever);
4) Dial up (a friend for benefits even if it's a hooker);
5) Chill.

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Well ya know its werid, my brother and i were raised in the same house etc and ya know what he went some werid route met some weird people and became rasict, calling people everything you dont want to hear. idk like some people are horrible drivers and lazy but everyone is like that.. shit i think us "white" people are even fucking lazier then others because we feel everyone else should do all the work. idk personally racism has no place in my life, and if you think, judging by color of skin is pointless i dont want you in my life.
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[quote name='Pavo21' timestamp='1344495618' post='553693']
Well ya know its werid, my brother and i were raised in the same house etc and ya know what he went some werid route met some weird people and became rasict, calling people everything you dont want to hear. idk like some people are horrible drivers and lazy but everyone is like that.[b]. shit i think us "white" people are even fucking lazier then others because we feel everyone else should do all the work. idk personally racism has no place in my life,[/b] and if you think, judging by color of skin is pointless i dont want you in my life.
careful because this could be construed as a racist statement. Not all "white" people expect other people to do their work.
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Well I'm not a self hating white person. Lol just I know a lot of lazy people. But from my experience other ethnicities work twice as hard as most white people. Atleast from my experience. That's what I ment to say.
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[quote name='Pavo21' timestamp='1344531527' post='553717']
Well I'm not a self hating white person. Lol just I know a lot of lazy people. But from my experience other ethnicities work twice as hard as most white people. Atleast from my experience. That's what I ment to say.

I think a huge part of hatred centers around the idea that we take limited personal experience and apply it universally.
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Ignorance and an insatiable desire to be better. It's a deep insecurity, imo. By lashing out at other people or groups of people, a person develops a sense of belonging to something better, simply because they're told as much. Some are more insecure than others. I can't speak for everyone, but personally I have a problem with judging people when I'm in a bad mood. Not on the same level as what you're referring to of course, just nit-picking. In the end, I don't really feel that way about anyone, it's just anger.

I think some just amplify this and take it to heart.
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I know ignorance is a popular answer, but I don't see it. I am ignorant of a lot of things, people, cultures, religions, and I don't hate any of them.

I do find that consistent patterns in any group, your mind creates a stereotype for that group and as the more you see the stereotype the more it drives people to get infuriated that they haven't changed.

Like anyone that lives in my area of town and drives a luxury vehicle, sells drugs, so far the stereotype holds true although we are down to 1, and he got raided last week, so he's probably gone for good too. So seeing a luxury vehicle in my neighborhood immediately sparks anger and hatred in me. But rationality brings me back down because now it's usually people visiting and not the former.
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I have to agree with Stuie. We all form opinions based on stereotypes. I am a big guy. People think that all fat people are smelly and lazy (and I have met a few that were) that doesn't mean I am. But knowing that people do pre-judge I feel ok with proving I don't fit the stereotype. I don't get angry when assumptions are made. I just go with it and try to educate the person
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I would have to agree that it's a lot of entrenched stereotyping.
I look just like a little white girl with a boyfriend, but!
I am bi-sexual, 1/4 black, irish, native american,wiccan, and a juggalo.
Most people don't even KNOW that I am what i am. I hear a lot of nasty things and when i do, i say something. And attempt to educate people.
That's really all you can do.
If people don't want to listen or change their thinking, they won't .
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