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Harsh shisha with little smoke!!

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Hello I used to never have problems with my smoke. I just bought some double apple nahkla and it seems the smoke is thin and it burns my throat... I tried acclimating for like 4 hours still get the same thing though. Could it be the shisha is just old and it doesnt smoke right!!! The shisha has to be pretty wet to work correctly right. It seems that my nahkla apple is a little more dry than usual...
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[url="http://home.san.rr.com/mastertofu/"]http://home.san.rr.com/mastertofu/[/url]Click on the retail link, there are several good stores there :D Main ones around here arewww.Pimpyourhookah.comwww.hookahcompany.comwww.socialsmoke.comwww.hookah-shisha.comwww.hookahkings.comand a scattering of a few others
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No, it probably needs more acclimation. Sometimes, the weather is getting worse and the tobacco is chasing slowly after it...four hours may not be enough. There are good days smoking nicotinated tobacco and bad days smoking nicotinated tobacco.
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