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1st hookah purchase questions!

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Hi everyone, as you may have guessed I'm new to these forums posting-wise, but I have been lurking here for quite some time reading all the threads and trying to make an educated 1st hookah/shisha purchase. I don't want to spend a tremendous amount of money on a hookah, but I understand that you often get what you pay for in this line of products. I've heard many good things about the Mya QT, and I am strongly considering buying it from hookah-shisha.com, but first I have a couple questions:1. Does the size greatly impact the smoke yield/thickness? I am an avid hookah smoker, and I'm rather picky when it comes to my smoke being thick and plentiful, so having a hookah that really smokes well is a must for my first buy.2. Is it easy to clean? 3. Is it really as solid as everyone says it is? The reason I ask is because my friend bought a hookah a while back from the local Smoker Friendly, and not unlike the QT it was a small, low-priced hookah. However, the seals all around the hookah were very weak and as a result very little smoke was produced, and it seems the purchase he made was not a wise one. Thanks in advance to all of you that answer my questions. Also, feel free to suggest other hookahs that may suit my needs. I will primarily be using my hookah by myself or with a few friends, so I'm not looking into any hookahs that have more than 1 hose. Ideally, I'd like to spend under $80, but if I must break the bank in order to get a truly great product, I'm willing to consider.
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[quote name='throwthisaway']1. Does the size greatly impact the smoke yield/thickness? I am an avid hookah smoker, and I'm rather picky when it comes to my smoke being thick and plentiful, so having a hookah that really smokes well is a must for my first buy.[/quote] No effect that ive seen. I too love thick smoke, and as long as you control the heat well, and pack your bowl right, it should smoke as good as a full sized hookah.[quote name='throwthisaway']2. Is it easy to clean?[/quote]For me extremly easy. I clean mine after each one, with a quick rinse and a sweep with the brushes. I full clean it with a lemon juice and water combo once every 10 smokes or so. So far its stayed perfect. Some have had a bit of trouble cleaning the inside of the stem because of its design, but i myself have not.[quote name='throwthisaway']3. Is it really as solid as everyone says it is? The reason I ask is because my friend bought a hookah a while back from the local Smoker Friendly, and not unlike the QT it was a small, low-priced hookah. However, the seals all around the hookah were very weak and as a result very little smoke was produced, and it seems the purchase he made was not a wise one.[/quote] This might be low price, but not low quality. MyaSaray makes extremly good hookahs. And if anything is wrong with your hookah, like something is defective, then Mya with replace it very speedily. And the seals on this little guy are amazing.All in all, my QT is my favorite of my 2 hookahs, It smokes amazingly and is one i recommend for personal use. For me smoking alone, pulling out my big Polaris III from SS is a hassle, so the QT makes it so easy to smoke a quick session on my own.
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Excellent. I'm sold. Thank you very much for your insight, I appreciate it. Would you agree that hookah-shisha.com is a good place to purchase from? I'm aware that the QT model is called the "Crown" over there, but in the description it says it's from Mya Saray. I'm leaning towards hookah-shisha.com simply because of the free stuff included with the purchase of a hookah, and the discount for being a forum member here.
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I bought my QT from them. In fact prior to the purchase I called them with a couple questions and they were very friendly over the phone. The whole online purchase experience was good and the shisha they included was really really fresh. I've placed an order with SS a couple days ago and from what I can tell H-S has a faster turnaround time for processing orders. Hope this helps.
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He is really good. If you add the code hookah forum you get 15% off and if you add the code wikitipi you get 25 free mouth tips. just be sure you add them to the cart first.
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