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the top 10

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The top 10 flavors you hope nobody ever puts out:
10. Squirrell Jerky
9. Steak and Kidney Pie
8. Saurbraten
7. Falafel
6. cheese-whiz
5. Male cat urine.
4. Gasoline
3. Chicken and rice
2. Meat loaf
And the No 1 flavor you home nobody ever puts out is: Locker room.
Happy Sunday!
MR Bubble
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[quote name='Gamaliel']Baked Ziti[/quote]
I dunno...I might smoke a baked ziti flavor; rich and spicy with a hint of mild cheese...maybe.  I'd sure as hell rather try than than pickled herring flavored ma'assel.   
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Revised list of the top 10 flavors you hope nobody ever puts out:
10. Arkansas Highway-27 skunk.
9. Biopsy
8. Owl flavored
7. Bursting Bedpan
6. Cairo outdoor meat market.
5. Forgotten trapped-mouse
4. Borrowed Formaldehyde (for Halloween only)
3. Country-cooked Grits.
2. Commode Wax Ring
And the number one flavor you hope Nobody ever comes out with is: El Basha Black Dingleberry.
Happy Thursday to you Brother-men!
MR Bubble
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  • 2 years later...
QUOTE (Scheetz)

Oh NO, the post is back from the dead.  Felt like finding the oldest post I could.

nice alteration of a Magic:The Gathering card!!
i'd have to say a spinach flavor would be about the grossest thing ever
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