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Review on the new tangiers bowl

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kk i tried this 5X5 hole pattern tonite and it was working great but then the foil started creating a little seal around the little inner circle and it wouldnt hit. maybe my foil was tight enough or sumthing but it was weird.
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Damn, the more I hear about this bowl, the more I want to buy one <_> I'm not really one for foil, but I just may switch for the pleasure.30g though...thats a bit more that I use...
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Yeah, actually, somebody said they had a problem with it not hitting. If you don't allow a gap between the foil and the phunnel, the foil will seal the hole. If you then put a hole in the foil above phunnel, it will drawe only air.I actually poke holes normally, lots of large ones, in rows, skipping the circle around the phunnel. I then go back and poke a 5-point cross of holes over the phunnel:  o  o o o  o o o o o o o o o o o  o o o  o  o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o  o o o o  o o Something along those lines.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Today is Tuesday!Look at the other post "Packing a Standard Tangiers Head" Here is what you need for holes:A ring of holes around the central phunnel. A ring of holes around the edge of the bowl. I like a hole dead center. Some of my testers don't. You can, actually poke holes, just like a standard bowl, if you wish. Big, evenly spaced across the bowl. The only holes that do anything are near the center and near the edge. I'm not even sure the ones near the edge do that much...they seem to only add about 10-15% smoke/draw.
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